Is Ramstein-Miesenbach Safe for Women? Crime in Ramstein-Miesenbach

Crime index

Very Low
1 /5

The crime rate in Ramstein-Miesenbach is considered very low, with an overall crime index of 1 out of 5.

Violence index


On average 2.5% percentage of women in Germany have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life, according to OECD Data.

Crime & Safety Statistics

Safety index:

N/ANot enough data

Safety walking alone after dark:

N/ANot enough data

Safety using public transport:

N/ANot enough data

Crime index:

1/5Very Low

Worries of being sexually harassed:

N/ANot enough data

Worries of being sexually assaulted or raped:

N/ANot enough data

Worries of being physically attacked:

N/ANot enough data

Worries of home broken and things stolen:

N/ANot enough data

Worries of being mugged or robbed:

N/ANot enough data

Worries of being kidnapped or murdered:

N/ANot enough data

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How safe is Ramstein-Miesenbach for women?

I feel extremely safe here. But as with anywhere it’s smart to stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings especially as a woman. But there’s not really any areas of town that I feel are sketchy or unsafe. Maybe a little more polluted than anything but overall very safe.

Posted: February 22, 2024
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Ramstein-Miesenbach is a village near a USA military base. I feel very safe here and there are plenty of bike paths, well lit sidewalks and a park nearby. I have not seen or heard reported any issues by any of the women that have came through here. The train station nearby is also well lit.

Posted: February 20, 2024
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Is Ramstein-Miesenbach safe to travel?

Family travel

Felt very safe here. The food was pretty good but a little expensive. Public transport felt safe and was inexpensive. Lots to do and see. Even at night time I didn’t worry any extra about my safety. But as always stay vigilant of your surroundings no matter where you go.

Posted: February 22, 2024
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Hello, I love going on adventures whether city exploring, backpacking, or hiking. I have extensive travels through Europe and parts of Asia and the USA. Willing to help any way I can.


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Crime in Germany