Solo Female Travel in Nancy

Nancy, a city brimming with art and culture, is located in the northeastern region of France, specifically in the Grand Est area. It's a renowned historical and artistic hub and is particularly known for the Place Stanislas, a UNESCO World Heritage site that epitomizes 18th-century classical architecture. The city’s association with Art Nouveau is also notable, housing the Ecole de Nancy museum, showcasing the works of notable artists of the style. Another notable aspect is its gastronomic delights, with specialties like Quiche Lorraine and Madeleines, making it a paradise for food lovers. Nancy is also known as a centre of education, housing one of the oldest universities in France.

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Is Nancy good for solo travel?



Nancy is generally quite safe for solo female travelers. Crime rates are relatively low and it's a comparatively safer region in France. Nonetheless, like anywhere, it's advised to exercise caution, especially at night or in less crowded areas. Follow the usual safety guidelines such as being aware of your surroundings, keeping your belongings close and avoiding isolated places during the night. Overall, you can expect a safe and enjoyable trip if you use common sense precautions.


Navigating Nancy is fairly uncomplicated. The city is not extremely large, making it easy to discover most attractions on foot. There is also an efficient and comprehensive system of trams and buses that cover the city ensuring you can reach areas of interests with ease. Very minimal language barriers as many locals understand English. However, it is suggested to learn basic French phrases for smoother interactions.
Things to do:

Things to do:Interesting

Nancy offers a rich cultural and historical experience. The city's architectural sophistication attracts many visitors, prominently exemplified by Place Stanislas, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a remarkable showcase of 18th-century royal architecture. Nancy is also known for its School of Art Nouveau, which has left an indelible mark on the city's landscape. The Musée de l'École de Nancy is a must-visit site to appreciate this art movement. Food enthusiasts can sample the famous Quiche Lorraine and Bergamotes, which are local specialties. Moreover, there are many parks and gardens for those who appreciate nature. Overall, it might not have an 'adrenaline rush' type of adventures, but it certainly offers an immersive, culturally rich, and memorable experience.

Food:Above average

Nancy, in the heart of Lorraine, offers an excellent array of foods. From local cheese and wine to the famous quiche Lorraine and the sweet taste of macaron cookies, the diverse and delicious cuisine here is sure to please any foodie. Despite the lack of diverse international cuisine, the authentic French food quality and variety are exceptional.


Nancy offers a medium range of affordability for travelers. Most costs related to accommodation, food, and local transport are reasonable, though there are also higher-end options available. Sightseeing, especially in places like Place Stanislas, can be done at minimal costs. However, costs can add up if you plan to dine out often or stay at higher-end hotels.

Is Nancy worth visiting?

Is Nancy safe for women?

I really feel safe in Nancy, i live in the city center. You could walk alone and feel great. There is some not fine comments but not too much. I recomend using bike and talking to people if its needed

Posted: May 9, 2024
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Meet locals in Nancy

Meet local women in Nancy who are open to meet up for a coffee or a drink, show you around, give local advice or practice a language with.


About Me

Hi there, I’m Kati, originally from Slovakia, but living abroad for nearly 15 years. I’ve recently moved to France and previously lived in Belgium and the Netherlands. I love animals, nature, getting to know new people and places, and having good-hearted fun 🙂.


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About Me

Hello, I just found this application which can be very useful when traveling since I travel alone (sometimes). I'm 28 years old, I live in France, in Nancy and I travel 3 to 4 times a year. In the future I would like to do: Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Oman. Do not hesitate to contact me if I can help you during your next trip to France 😊 Ig.


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Stay with locals in Nancy

Stay with local women in Nancy who offer free accommodation as part of cultural exchange. Couch surfing is a great way to meet new people, learn more about new cultures and experience destinations like a local.



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About me

Hello, i am Léa Delaporte. I am a contemporary dancer. I love to meet new people, new culture.


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