Crime & Women's Safety in Sion

Safety index

4.1 /5

On average women living in Sion raises relatively low concerns about women's safety. Based on collected reviews Sion has a safety index of 4.1.

Crime index

Very Low
1 /5

On average women living in Sion consider the crime rate in Sion to be low. Based on collected reviews Sion has a crime index of 1.

Violence against women


On average 14.1% percentage of women in Switzerland have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life, according to OECD Data.


Safety walking alone after dark:

Not enough data

Safety using public transport:

Not enough data


Worries of being sexually harassed:

Not enough data

Worries of being sexually assaulted or raped:

Not enough data

Worries of being physically attacked:

Not enough data

Worries of home broken and things stolen:

Not enough data

Worries of being mugged or robbed:

Not enough data

Worries of being kidnapped or murdered:

Not enough data

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How safe is Sion?



Sion is a small town in Switzerland, one of the safest countries in the world. Most that happens are car accidents or when skiing. If you forget your phone or wallet somewhere no one would touch it so you can go back and get it, or someone will take it to the police station and they would call you. There are robberies but mostly in the main cities, bicycle or pickpocketing. In Switzerland, police registered a total of 432,000 offenses under the Criminal Code in 2019 (−0.2% compared with previous year), of which 110,140 or 25.5 percent were cases of thefts (excluding vehicles, −2.0%), and 41,944 or 9.7 percent were thefts of vehicles (including bicycles, −10.1%), 46 were killings and 161 were attempted murders. The number of cases of rape reported increased by 53 incidents or 8.5 percent over the previous year.

Posted: February 25, 2024
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Meet locals in Sion



About Me

Hi! I'm from Guatemala but I'm currently living in Switzerland. I'm a veterinarian, mostly see small domestic animals and exotic pets, but sometimes also cows and sheep/goats. I love horses but they are very delicate. I would love to go out, chat, have fun, maybe eat something or just see some places. I'm fun, original, carefree, relaxed, open minded, honest, objective, straight, agnostic, apolitical and demisexual. I dislike makeup, skirts, traffic, and to watch sports. I also have tattoos that don't show with my clothes on and I eat pretty much anything except insects and organs hahaha. I love Japanese and Taiwanese food, Italian and Latin food as well. Ramen, sushi, grilled meat, and gnocchi would be my favorite foods. I love to travel on my own so I can do the things I really want, especially being able to stay with locals to know new people and experience the culture better than going to a hotel, and also stay in a budget.


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About Me

Hello, I'm Theresa and I live in Sion


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Crime in Switzerland