Women living in Winterthur consider the safety level to be relatively high, with an overall safety rating of 4.1 out of 5.
Women living in Winterthur consider the crime rate to be very low, with an overall crime rating of 1.2 out of 5.
On average 14.1% percentage of women in Switzerland have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life, according to OECD Data.
Based on 7 experiences
Safety rating: | 4.1/5 | Safe |
Safety walking alone after dark: | 3.8/5 | Safe |
Safety using public transport: | 4.4/5 | Safe |
Crime rate: | 1.2/5 | Very Low |
Worries of being sexually harassed: | 1.3/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of being sexually assaulted or raped: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of being physically attacked: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of home broken and things stolen: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of being mugged or robbed: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of being kidnapped or murdered: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Winterthur is safe. I have never had a negative experience. When I go out, it can happen that a drunk person makes a stupid comment, but I just ignore it and keep walking. I’m not afraid to go out alone in the evening for a walk or anything like that. Overall, I feel very safe.
Posted: February 14, 2025Mace
I’ve only worried for my safety once since moving here and overall in my 22 years of living in Switzerland as a whole can count the amount of times I worried at all and all of them were because of a drunk man on the train or bus. But usually there will be other people on public transport with you and there are often armed security on trains especially during peak drunk party people hours. I wouldn’t ever drop my guard completely but generally I’ve never come even close to actual danger despite taking the train late at night very often and walking in the dark in town or in villages and even in the woods quite a bit. Just avoid streets notorious for drugs or crime, keep the headphones off and don’t be afraid to be impolite if you feel unsafe :)
Posted: February 3, 2025During the night there might be drunk people at the train stations that might yell around but usually there is security walking around and in the neighborhoods its very chill. I dont feel unsafe at all during the day or feel like i will get robbed.
Posted: February 1, 2025Tally
Winterthur is a really safe place. It's not a big city - you can explore it by feet easily. You don't have to worry walking alone at night, it's a really safe place. Police is available all the time and people here are really looking out for each other. If you're having a problem, probably everyone will help you out.
Posted: January 31, 2025I think Winterthur is very safe, of course there are a few places where you'd rather not be, but compared to other places it's very safe and here, like in every place, there are a few scary people, but all in one its safe in Winterthur.
Posted: December 28, 2024Mace
Hi I’m Mace I love hiking and museums and anything crafty! Local Witchy Queer ADHD Gremlin :3
Hey there i love cycling, jogging, reading, crafting, merting up w friends. I especially love to spend time in nature! I am planning to bikepack to eastern europe next year in summer