Solo Female Travel in Tepoztlan

Tepoztlán is a quaint town situated in the heart of Mexico, nestled in the majestic Tepozteco mountains of Morelos. Famed as the birthplace of Quetzalcoatl, the ancient Aztec feathered serpent god, and imbued with a rich history that dates back to the Nahua people, this destination enthralls with a unique blend of natural beauty and mystique. The town mesmerizes visitors with its legendary El Tepozteco pyramid, vibrant local markets boasting traditional handicrafts, and emerging culinary scene that highlights succulent local dishes. The panoramic views from the top of Tepozteco Mountain, a favorite amongst hikers, is the proverbial cherry-on-top which rounds off the Tepoztlán experience in a spectacular fashion.

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Tepoztlan is generally considered a safe destination for solo female travelers. The locals are friendly, and the town has a slow, laid-back atmosphere that can make visitors feel at ease. It's a popular destination for spiritual and wellness retreats, which adds to its overall peaceful environment. However, like any city around the world, it's always important to stay aware of your surroundings, and avoid risky areas, especially at night. Use common sense, and always take local advice on safety precautions.


Tepoztlan isn't a large city, so exploring on foot is feasible for most distances and offers the opportunity to soak in the picturesque views at your leisure. However, the town is quite hilly which could pose a challenge for some. There are also numerous taxis available for short distance travels, but prices can vary greatly. Navigating the public transport can be a bit complex if you do not speak Spanish. Therefore, while it’s not too difficult to get around, some challenges may exist depending on your comfort level with walking and language skills.

Things to do:Interesting

Tepoztlan offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural history and local charm that serves as an excellent travel destination. You can enjoy quiet exploration of the cobblestone streets, get a sweeping view of the town from the Tepozteco mountain peak, or immerse yourself in the rich history of the place at the Carlos Pellicer Prehispanic Art Museum. Local eateries offering traditional Mexican cuisine and wellness retreats for relaxation and meditation add to the appealing activities. However, the town may not offer the hustle and bustle of a more metropolitan city, hence might not cater to every traveler's taste.

Food:Above average

Tepoztlan offers a delightful variety of food that satisfies the palates of all food-lovers. Be it the humble street food, regional delicacies, or international cuisine, the gastronomical landscape of this quaint Mexican town is both diverse and flavorful. The culinary culture of Tepoztlan is a mix of pre-Hispanic and Spanish influences, which offers the opportunity to sample some very unique dishes. Many establishments use locally sourced ingredients which further enhances the fresh quality of the offerings. While the food is commendable, it is not quite at the peak of gastronomic destinations, hence a slight deduction. Ensure to partake in their local culinary scene to make the most of your visit.


Tepoztlan is fairly budget-friendly. The cost of food, accommodation and local transportation is quite affordable. A range of budget-friendly options are available from street food stalls, rustic accommodations to free outdoor activities such as hiking in Tepozteco mountain. However, some activities and attractions like the El Tepozteco national park do have an entry fee, and fancier dining or accommodation options can also be more costly.

Is Tepoztlan worth visiting?

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About Me

Hola, soy Joana, me formé en creación literaria y lingüística, escribo de todo pero principalmente poesía, al día de hoy tengo 3 libros de poesía publicados, 1 plaquette y estoy cursando una última licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública. He trabajado mucho en gestión cultural con mi colectiva transdisciplinaria de mujeres artistas, Hilanderas. También tengo una colectiva mixta enfocada en la poesía que se llama Hipálage. He hecho producción de cine y televisión; corrección de estilo y soy maestra de español como L2 para angloparlantes, así como docente de Lengua y Literatura para jóvenes de secundaria en un Montessori. Vivo en Tepoztlán donde tengo un proyecto de permacultura, política y artes llamado Radicante.


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Stay with locals in Tepoztlan

Stay with local women in Tepoztlan who offer free accommodation as part of cultural exchange. Couch surfing is a great way to meet new people, learn more about new cultures and experience destinations like a local.



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About me

Hola, soy Joana, me formé en creación literaria y lingüística, escribo de todo pero principalmente poesía, al día de hoy tengo 3 libros de poesía publicados, 1 plaquette y estoy cursando una última licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública. He trabajado mucho en gestión cultural con mi colectiva transdisciplinaria de mujeres artistas, Hilanderas. También tengo una colectiva mixta enfocada en la poesía que se llama Hipálage. He hecho producción de cine y televisión; corrección de estilo y soy maestra de español como L2 para angloparlantes, así como docente de Lengua y Literatura para jóvenes de secundaria en un Montessori. Vivo en Tepoztlán donde tengo un proyecto de permacultura, política y artes llamado Radicante.


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