Solo female travel in Gander

Situated in the northeastern part of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, Gander is a vibrant and welcoming town renowned for its extraordinary hospitality and rich history. Known as the “Crossroads of the World,” Gander has been a key strategic location for transatlantic flights since World War II due to its large airport. The town became famously known worldwide following the events of 9/11, when locals opened their homes and hearts to over 6,000 stranded passengers from 38 diverted flights. Visitors to Gander can explore the aviation history at the North Atlantic Aviation Museum, enjoy the serene beauty of Little Harbour Park, and immerse themselves in the local culture of warmth and kindness that was beautifully portrayed in the Broadway musical, "Come From Away."

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Is Gander good for solo travel?


Safety:Very safe

Gander is well-known for its friendly and welcoming locals, creating a safe and comfortable environment. The crime rate is relatively low, there are well-lit and safe paths for evening walks, and local police offer immediate assistance when needed. The community spirit instills an additional level of security. However, as with any location, it is always important to stay mindful of your surroundings.


Gander, being a small town, has limited local transportation options. The town is walkable and you can easily cover most of it on foot. However, for longer distances and more comfort, you might need to arrange for private transport like taxis or rental cars. Weather conditions, particularly in winter, might make travelling more challenging.
Things to do:

Things to do:Moderate

Gander is an interesting town majorly known for its rich history especially the '9/11 effect' documented in the Broadway Musical Come from Away. While its primarily a transportation hub, it also offers attractions like Thomas Howe Demonstration Forest Reserve, Cobb's Pond Rotary Park which are great for nature lovers or those who enjoy hiking trails. It also houses the North Atlantic Aviation Museum showcasing the history of flight. However, compared to other travel destinations, it doesn't have a vast number of tourist activities though its uniqueness and quiet town charm may be appealing to some.


Gander offers an interesting mix of food options, though it's not exceptionally diverse. Traditional Newfoundland cuisine is prominently featured, which incorporates a lot of seafood and hearty dishes. You'll find plenty of comfort food, homemade pies and fresh, local ingredients. It lacks a bit in terms of international cuisine, however, it does have few fast food chains and pizza places as well. Overall, the food scene is perfect if you're looking to experience local Northern cuisine in a homely environment.


Gander is moderately budget-friendly. Accommodation and dining can be found at reasonable prices, and many of the region's natural attractions can be enjoyed for free or at a low cost. However, transportation and certain seasonal activities may add significant expenses to your budget.

Is Gander worth visiting?

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