I was in Ladakh with a female friend and we wandered around temples, valleys etc. We slept in a tent, sometimes in the wild, and it was quite alright.
Posted: October 2, 2023Birthe
I'm curious (hey, I'm a woman, so that typical, I know!), I love to travel, but I can't do that all time, so I love to meet other travellers on my home turf. I have 3 master degrees, first in geology, then environmental management, and this year, I added law to the collection. I love to do practical things, so my husband and I partly build our house and our summer cottage. The difficult and important things like masonry, roof and windows, and plumbing were built by others. We did the rest. My husband died of cancer in 2022, but I have my son, daughter-in-law, and my grandson from January 2023 who have given me the appetite for life back from the very dark place I was in. Don't worry, I don't show pictures! My friends' ages range from 35 to 80, age is just a number ... I can talk with most people, I'm curious to learn about others, what make them tick, and learn from them. That's what I love about travelling. I live 8 km from Town Hall Square in a subsurb. Copenhagen is a small city but with many concerts and cultural events that I enjoy, but it's more fun with company.