Is Thassos safe for solo female travelers?

Thassos is generally considered to be one of the safest destinations for solo female travelers. The locals are friendly and welcoming, street crime is relatively low, and accommodation and transport services meet high standards of safety and comfort. Of course, maintaining individual precautions and vigilance is recommended just like any travel destinations but overall, it provides a serene and secure travel experience.

Safety rating

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How safe is Thassos?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Safe

Thassos generally has a reputation of being safe, even for solo female travelers. It's a small island with a close-knit community and crime rates are typically low compared to other locations. However, as with any place while traveling alone, it's always important to stay alert at night and stick to well-lit, populated areas. Unforeseen danger can be present anywhere, especially during the night. Emergency services are available and locals pull together to offer help when required, which further increases the safety measure. Nightlife is calm, and there isn’t much rowdiness usually.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Safe

Public transportation in Thassos is generally reliable and secure. Buses are the most common mode of transportation and they are well maintained. Regular schedules are followed so travel planning is relatively easy. It's not unusual to see women, both local and visiting, traveling alone. As anywhere, vigilance is advised, especially during busier times, but overall, public transport conditions are found to be female-friendly. However, due to its moderate frequency and limitation to specific routes, renting a vehicle for flexibility may be considered.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Low

Thassos in Greece is generally very safe and welcoming towards solo female travelers. Like anywhere, the level of street harassment can vary but it tends to be rather low. The island and its populace come off as respectful and hospitable. Greek culture places high importance on respect and courtesy, which extends to their treatment of tourists. However, it's always important to stay aware of your surroundings and always trust your instincts.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Low

Thassos is a peaceful and pretty safe destination with very low cases of petty crimes. The locals are quite friendly and welcoming. However, standard precautions should always be taken as incidents, albeit rare, can occur anywhere. Always keep an eye on personal belongings, and avoid isolated areas at night.
Tap water:

Tap water:Safe

Tap water in Thassos, is generally safe for drinking. The water system is well-maintain and monitored, though taste varies from town to town due to different sources. Nonetheless, it's suggested to still buy bottled water for those with sensitive stomachs or health concerns.

Is Thassos safe to travel?

Safety in Greece