I'm from Martinique, I grew up there and left at 18 to study in mainland France, in Paris! Now I’m in Rouen for a few months… before probably heading to Australia or somewhere in Europe ! This summer, I hope to travel to Switzerland and Italy. Looking forward to meeting you ! I’m 20. :)
Hi! My name is Alma and I'm a 20 years old student majoring in History in Rouen :) I'm currently abroad as an exchange student in Poland
Rouen is so beautiful. If you love architecture and art, you’re in luck because this little city houses more than 5 gorgeous cathedrals in it, each one more breathtaking than the other. On the door of each church/cathedral there’s an agenda showing all the programs going on in different churches during the week. So make sure you go visit each church when they open it for service. Because not all the churches are touristic attractions. There is a ceramic museum with free entry, so if you’re into arts, you’re gonna love that as well. The food is a bit pricy in the city and in little cafes. But if you spend some time, you’ll find delicious food with reasonable price as well. I was able to find this Turkish kebab place with a vegan wrap that was super flavorful and about €5! There’s so many bakeries of course, but there is this one bakery called Leon and it has the best cappuccino ever! I’d go back just for that cappuccino alone! In total, this town has so much to offer and I would love to go back. Oh one last thing, people were super amazing and friendly!
Posted: August 7, 2023