Is Nashville Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Nashville, otherwise known as the 'Music City,' is generally considered safe for solo female travelers. There is a good level of safety in the main neighborhoods, especially during the day. Common sense precautions, however, should always be taken. It's optimal to avoid walking alone at night in less-trafficked areas and to stay aware of your surroundings. Public transportation, cabs, and ride-sharing apps are readily available and reliable. The local people are known for their Southern hospitality and are often willing to help out if you encounter any trouble. As with any location, it's also important to research the area you'll be staying in and align your activities with safety in mind.

Safety rating

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How safe is Nashville?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Moderate

Nashville, like any major city, has areas that are safer than others at night. Most of the well-traveled and well-lit areas like downtown, especially around the music and nightlife scenes, are generally considered safe. However, less populated or darker areas in some neighborhoods may pose risks, especially if you're walking alone. As always, stay vigilant, stick to well-lit and crowded areas, and don't hesitate to call a cab or rideshare service if you're feeling uncomfortable. Be confident and trust your instincts.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Safe

Nashville offers good safe public transportation options such as buses and trains that are reliable and frequently used by both residents and tourists. Night services are available although it is advisable to be vigilant during this time. The operators adhere to strict safety protocols and there is often proper security measures in place.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Low

Nashville is a friendly city with a welcoming atmosphere generally characterized by Southern hospitality. Street harassment is not a common occurrence for residents or tourists. However, like any city, it's always important to be aware of your surroundings, especially at night or in less populated areas.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Moderate

In comparison to other larger metropolitan areas, Nashville has a moderate risk for petty crimes including pickpocketing and minor theft. Do ensure that your belongings are always in sight and securely stored. As always, stay vigilant especially in tourist areas and public transportation where petty thefts are more likely to occur.
Tap water:

Tap water:Very safe

In Nashville, the tap water is generally considered very safe to drink. It goes through a rigorous purification process that complies with the strict standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Regular tests are conducted to ensure quality and safety. However, the taste and quality can still vary depending on the source.

Is Nashville safe to travel?

Solo travel experience

I went alone. I stopped on the first avenue and felt very safe. I went to various bars and listened to different types of performances. I would recommend a visit to the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Grand Ole Opry for a show, and the Ryman for a tour.

Posted: May 20, 2023
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Is Nashville safe for women?

I’ve never felt *specifically* unsafe in Nashville, just a generally aware of my surroundings and try to avoid situations that seem like they could go south. I don’t spend much time alone downtown/on Broadway and know that many people can feel unsafe there, but my experience in and around the Vanderbilt area is generally pretty standard for medium sized cities.

Posted: April 15, 2024
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Overall, Nashville is a relatively safe city, but there are increasingly more random violent attacks. For example, a couple was recently robbed at gun point and pistol whipped in the parking lot of a boutique hotel in East Nashville. I personally do not walk alone after dark, just because there are few sidewalks and bars/restaurants are fairly spread out, so there would likely be stretches of not a lot of other people being around. That being said, I would feel comfortable walking alone in the 5 Points/Lockeland Springs area of East Nashville. The biggest safety issue though is that roofies are very, very common downtown, so much so that Nashville's Sexual Assault Center started the "Safe Bar Program." There's a directory of bars online, showing which have undergone its training and have coasters to give to customers which can test for the presence of roofies. Look up roofies in the Nashville subreddit, and you'll see a disconcerting amount of posts about being roofied downtown. It's far less prevalent in East Nashville but not unheard of.

Posted: April 6, 2024
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Is Nashville safe right now?

Before your visit to Nashville, it's essential to check travel advisories for United States, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

Canada's Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The Canadian government advises taking normal security precautions in the United States. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 25, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The Australian Government advises to exercise normal safety precautions in the United States of America. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: April 2, 2024

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Hello! My name is Emmy! I'ma microinfluencer who is passionate about travel, photography, and creating memorable experiences through seeking adventure. I'm a world traveler who has visited 25 countries solo. While I travel, I make it my personal mission to make as many new friends as possible along the way to create the wildest, most authentic and fun experience imaginable in the most unexpected ways. A joyful way of living while seeking sunshine full of adventure! I strive to not only build a following through my social media, but a community in which I can share the highs, lows and real moments in life through the eyes of a 24 yr old who won’t let anything stop her from living her dreams but has experienced the good, bad and ugly of life.


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Safety in United States