- super safe - food is just amazing -amazing sunsets over the beach -do not miss the boat tours that goes to 4-5 different islands, it's the best - you can get a diving certificate for so cheap compared to europe - best way to get around is to rent a motorcycle and it is very cheap - the nature is amazing make sure to always look out for monkeys and other animals there are so many didferent species - try to visit ethical elephant sanctuaries rather than the ones where you ride the elephant
Posted: February 25, 2025I feel like koh lanta is quite safe. I don’t feel like there’s a high risk of getting mugged here and for now everyone seems very respectful and kind. Im staying in the southern part and I feel kinda safe
Posted: February 27, 2025It is safe and beautiful here, as a woman you can travel and feel safe. People are friendly. I did not had one thing, which made me feel unsafe, you can chill at the beach, there is not a lot of partys, once a week and I attend once it was fine.
Posted: December 23, 2024