Is Romania Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Romania generally provides a safe environment for solo female travelers. The locals are friendly and helpful, and public spaces are well-policed. However, like in any country, it's necessary to be cautious, particularly in crowded areas where pickpocketing may occur. Also, while Romania has a fairly comprehensive public transportation system, it is advisable to avoid late-night travel when alone if possible. Regular safety precautions like avoiding isolated areas at night and not sharing location details with strangers should be practiced.

Safety rating

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How safe is Romania?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Moderate

Romania usually provides a moderate level of safety for solo female travelers. Major cities like Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca or Brasov can be safer, especially in central areas filled with numerous goods and services. However, quieter or poorly lit areas and late nights should be approached with caution. Transportation options are frequently available, but take extra care in train stations and taxis during the night. As with any location, it's essential to be aware of your surroundings, avoid displaying valuable possessions, and trust your instincts.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Moderate

Public transportation in Romania is generally safe, but as a solo female traveler, it's advisable to maintain a certain level of vigilance. Buses, trams, and trains are widely used and are fairly reliable. However, there can be occasional issues with pickpockets in crowded areas. Taxis are also commonly used but ensure they are licensed. Night travel may not be as safe, and it is advisable to be extra cautious. Like anywhere, pay attention to your safety, travel during busy times, and secure your belongings.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Low

While Romania is generally a safe place and people are quite warm and respectful, isolated incidents of street harassment do occur, specifically in crowded places and late at night. Like any other place, it's advisable to exercise basic precautions, such as avoiding deserted or poorly-lit streets, keeping an eye on your belongings, and refraining from sharing personal information with strangers. That being said, instances of verbal harassment are usually rare and physical harassment is even rarer, most people will be more than willing to offer assistance should it be required.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Moderate

While traveling in Romania, be prepared for potential pickpocketing or minor theft, particularly in crowded areas such as markets, trains, and bus stations. Scams involving fake policemen asking for ID and valuables are also reported albeit less common. However, such incidents are not widespread, and by taking some basic precautions like keeping belongings close and maintaining vigilance in crowded places, you can minimize the risk.
Tap water:

Tap water:Safe

Tap water in Romania is generally safe to drink. However, in some rural areas, you may encounter lower quality due to old infrastructure, so bottled water is advisable.

Is Romania safe to travel?

4.3 /5

Based on 13 experiences

Solo travel experience

I spent 10 days in Romania, spending the full last two days in Bucharest and I felt very safe all the time. I highly recommend visiting Brasov or anywhere else in Transylvania (e.g., Sinaia) because it's beautiful there. The mud volcanoes were probably one of the highlights of my trip.

Posted: February 12, 2024
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Solo travel experience

I went to Romania in May and traveled across the entire country to Bucharest, Sibiu, and Brasov. I liked Bucharest, but I enjoyed Sibiu and Brasov much more. The people are very nice, and the places are very beautiful. I stayed in the Lipscani district in Bucharest and I believe it's a safe place. Dracula's Castle was cool, but very touristy. Everywhere in these three cities/districts, English was spoken. I also used Uber in Bucharest and had no problems.

Posted: October 17, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I went in May, it was a bit rainy but for the most part it was ok. I stayed one night in Bucharest, and then another four in Brasov. I definitely recommend staying in Brasov. From Brasov, I visited both Peles Castle and Dracula's Castle, took a walk up Tampa mountain to the viewpoint on Brasov sign and participated in bear watching. I felt very safe.

Posted: October 12, 2023
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Couple travel experience

I really enjoyed my time there and was soooo happy we where able to visit different cities with the train. Not sure i would have felt safe alone as a women in the cities. The country side was very welcoming and felt safe. The food was great !

Posted: October 8, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I was with a group of friends, but often separated from them to do my own things. During my trip, I spent most of my time in Bucharest, in the vicinity of the Old Town, as well as in a rural villa near Brasov. Despite traveling alone, I felt safe and had no problems using trains, trams, and buses to explore the area. Even when I accidentally took a train in the wrong direction, people were very willing to offer help when I asked for it. One of the most vivid memories of the trip was how helpful and friendly the locals were. I even went to a place that is supposedly dangerous, Ferentari, but I managed to navigate there and back to the Old Town without any problem. I highly recommend staying in the vicinity of the Old Town, which, although touristy, has a lively atmosphere and is always full of people. The antique market in the Old Town was a particular highlight of my trip, as it had an eclectic mix of vintage designer and everyday jewelry, old money, maps, art, cameras and other curiosities.

Posted: March 3, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I was traveling alone in Romania and found it very good. I felt very safe, the locals were kind and helpful. I spent time in Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj (to see the salt mine) and went to see the painted churches in the northwestern region. I traveled around the area by train and used blabla car.

Posted: November 25, 2022
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Solo travel experience

Schedule: Day 1: Bucharest Day 2: Sighisoara Day 3: Sibiu Days 4 and 5 - Brasov Day 6: Bucharest Day 7: Bucharest Safety: I felt quite safe almost all the time. Recommendations: Romania is really beautiful, and yet underrated.

Posted: September 25, 2022
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Is Romania safe right now?

Before your visit to Romania, it's essential to check travel advisories for Romania, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The United States government advises exercising normal precautions in Romania. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 26, 2023

Canada's Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

**The Canadian Government advises taking normal security precautions in Romania.** Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 15, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The Australian government advises exercising normal safety precautions in Romania. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: April 2, 2024

Is Romania worth visiting?

Overall rating

4.5 /5

based on 13 experiences


Madeline (25)

United States

Solo travel experience

I went to Bucharest with my best friend last year. It was so fun - city is extremely running friendly, I went to a board game cafe and played games with locals, and had a great exploring the old town. Beautiful city with friendly people

Posted: June 27, 2024Experienced: June, 2024
Things to do: 4/5Food: 5/5Budget-friendly: 5/5Safety: 5/5
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Group travel experience

Budapest was not a conventionally beautiful city but the history it holds made it all the more intriguing and special. Hiking in the Fagars mountains was amazing and I made many of my dearest memories there.

Posted: March 9, 2024
Things to do: 4/5Food: 4/5Budget-friendly: 3/5Safety: 3/5
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Safety in Romania