Is Egypt Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Egypt is a remarkable country to explore, but as a solo female traveler, it requires a good amount of caution. The country's society is highly patriarchal, and women often face daily harassment, especially in crowded areas. However, the level of safety can significantly improve if you respect the local norms and dress conservatively. Despite the difficulties, many women travel to Egypt alone and have a brilliant time by exercising a high level of awareness and sticking to tourist-friendly areas. Remember, it's important to hire a trusted local guide or join group tours if you plan on visiting remote areas.

Safety rating

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How safe is Egypt?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Unsafe

Egypt has a moderate level of safety, however, as a solo female traveler, it's generally not recommended to walk alone at night. In tourist areas, while the risk is a bit lower, it's wise to exercise extra precaution. In other areas, it's best to avoid nighttime walks altogether due to a lack of street lights in certain districts and occasional harassment. Consider hiring a reliable guide or taking a registered taxi if you must be out at night.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Moderate

Public transportation in Egypt, such as buses and metros, is relatively safe during the day. Most locals are helpful, and crime rate on public transportation is not especially high. However, the lack of English can pose a barrier for communications and the cultural norms can present discomfort, especially on crowded buses. Metro cars have women-only sections which can provide a better sense of security. Nighttime travel should be more cautious, as any other city. Taxis or ride-hailing apps are also common and often a more comfortable choice for women travelers.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:High

One should note that Egypt possesses a vibrant culture and diverse historical attractions, but verbal street harassment can be quite common. This can vary from mildly annoying to more persistent and can sometimes feel intimidating. Remember to dress modestly to respect local customs and avoid unwanted attention. It's always crucial to be aware of your surroundings and maintain confidence while walking around. Knowing a few Arabic phrases can also come in handy.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Moderate

Egypt, particularly in its bustling cities, presents a moderate risk of petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag snatching. Popular tourist areas, crowded markets, and public transport facilities are where these incidences occur most. However, the majority of nationals are friendly and helpful, and so long as you remain vigilant, chances of being a victim can be minimized.
Tap water:

Tap water:Unsafe

While tap water in major cities of Egypt is treated and theoretically safe to drink, it's always a good idea to avoid it due to high levels of chlorine used in the treatment process and different mineral content to what you're used to, which could upset your stomach. Also, in more rural areas, tap water is less likely to be treated. Some foreign travelers may also find the local tap water doesn't agree with them. As such, it's best to stick to bottled water, make sure that the seal on the bottle is intact.

Is Egypt safe to travel?

3.9 /5

Based on 54 experiences




Solo travel experience

I went with G Adventures and we had the best tour guide. I felt absolutely safe with them, our crew and in Egypt. I think a lot of the concerns about safety are warranted and I wouldn’t advise travelling alone and without a tour guide. The food prices are relatively low, the entire trip was cost effective and once you leave Cairo, you will see how beautiful Egypt truly is. I loved the variety as we explored by train, boat and bus.

Posted: June 12, 2024
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Solo travel experience

I had a wonderful time in Egypt. It was actually the first country I travelled to alone and I never felt unsafe there. Of course, there were some looks, and even marriage proposals, but that didn't spoil my experience at all.

Posted: February 8, 2024
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Couple travel experience

I went with a male friend. Very cheap, looooots of amazing things to do and see. Came back with my social battery at 0% - I was never in real danger but when I was alone I couldnt walk for a minute without men approaching me to get me to buy something or catcalling me, commenting on my appearance, trying to speak to me. I was fully covered except my head but Im visibly a foreigner. When with my friend we were approached less frequently, mostly to buy stuff, the catcalling didnt happen with him around. He told me when he went out alone without me no one even spoke to him at all. My advice is go with a man or with a group tour, its just not fun to have to be alert and alone 100% of the time even if no one will harm you. Scammers are everywhere but easy to avoid - dont let people take pictures of you, dont listen to their advice - you have internet, dont follow them, ask the price before taking/ordering anything. Its a beautiful country, just exercise caution. Use GoBus for going from city to city, in Cairo best to stay close to Tahrir Square.

Posted: January 17, 2024
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Solo travel experience

Egypt is a beautiful country with amazing people. Before leaving, I saw many films claiming that Egypt is not safe for a solo traveling woman. However, I didn't encounter any problems during the entire trip. I hired a guide with a car, which made my journey comfortable. And the places I visited are breathtaking.

Posted: December 28, 2023
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Solo travel experience

Egypt has such an amazing history and culture. I really enjoyed visiting places like the Valley of the Kings, the Sphinx, and the Pyramid of Cheops. Unfortunately, I experienced many inappropriate comments and generally felt unsafe.

Posted: December 25, 2023
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Solo travel experience

Fun and historical experience. Beautiful people and so welcoming. Transport and safety all good. One stop center malls and the water around the city is breathtaking. The pyramids!Thank you Egypt! Till next time.

Posted: December 11, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I loved Egypt so much and I would like to go back there and discover more. The best moment was staying in a Nubian village in Aswan, followed by a four-day Nile cruise from Aswan to Luxor. The trip had many stops at temples, my favorites being the Philae temple, Abu Simbel, and Kom Ombo. I also did a hot air balloon flight. I stayed in an all-inclusive resort and felt safe.

Posted: November 5, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I was alone, but I hired private drivers and guides. I checked them on TripAdvisor. In Cairo, I ordered an Uber myself to go to a specific store I wanted to visit and I felt safe, but it was during the day. I wouldn't advise attempting to explore this country entirely alone as a woman. Generally, I feel very comfortable sitting alone in a restaurant, but I instinctively knew that I shouldn't do this in Egypt.

Posted: September 20, 2023
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Group travel experience

I am an experienced solo traveler, but Egypt is not a place for a solitary woman. Most of the time I was on a tour of Egypt, but at the beginning and at the end I spent some time alone. I never felt unsafe, but there were some unsettling moments. I know that I would not enjoy a solo bus trip to see the places we visited on the tour.

Posted: September 20, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I travelled alone throughout Egypt and my visits were incredible. I didn't encounter any harassment and I always felt safe. The local inhabitants were very friendly and hospitable. In tourist areas, such as the pyramids, local vendors try to sell you souvenirs and are persistent, but just tell them firmly no or completely ignore them. Egypt is a beautiful country and I had very positive experiences.

Posted: August 3, 2023
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Is Egypt safe for women?

Safety rating

2.2 /5

Based on 3 experiences

Crime rates rating

2.2 /5

Based on 3 experiences

For foreigner girls try not to go to cities that don’t have tourists, stay in the big cities like Cairo, Alamien, North coast, Sharm el shaikh, Hurghada, Gouna, Louxor, Aswan, Dahab, Siwa. In Cairo please don’t go to local or poor neighborhoods. Cairo is a veryy big crowded city that you may not be safe alone or with only girls in some places. And i think it’s not a good idea to try public transportation in Egypt, as an Egyptian girl I don’t use them instead we have Uber, Careem and Indrive and thats more safer.

Posted: June 25, 2024
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It’s moderately safe but you need to look out for yourself as in any country And also it has a good people with good hearts so when u feel unsafe you gonna feel safe when you look to it’s people’s faces

Posted: May 29, 2024
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Is Egypt safe right now?

Before your visit to Egypt, it's essential to check travel advisories for Egypt, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryReconsider your need to travel

The United States government advises reconsidering travel to Egypt due to terrorism. Exercise increased caution in Egypt due to the embassy's limited ability to assist dual-national U.S.-Egyptian citizens who are arrested or detained. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 13, 2023

Canada's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The Canadian government advises exercising a high degree of caution in Egypt due to the unpredictable security situation and the threat of terrorism. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 15, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryReconsider your need to travel

The Australian government advises reconsidering your need to travel to Egypt overall due to the threat of terrorism. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: May 30, 2024

Is Egypt worth visiting?

Overall rating

4.3 /5

based on 54 experiences

Family travel experience

Historical places are very nice and you can specifically appreciate the perfect location of Nicholas Tony River. If you also visit the villages of Egypt, you will experience the natural lifestyle and enjoy very healthy food. Moreover, a trip to Alexandria will allow you to visit comfortable beaches and taste delightful cuisine. You are also suggested to visit many historic sites in the South and the beaches in the North. The prices offered at these places are excellent.

Posted: May 21, 2024
Things to do: 5/5Food: 5/5Budget-friendly: 5/5Safety: 5/5
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Solo travel experience

Traveling Egypt is amazing I mean the ancient Egyptian culture , the pyramids (not just one there are more than 100of them )the tombs of pharaohs…. But it can also be bit hard cause of some people might take your energy away. One dollar one dollar. Sometimes you might just want to chill without them coming to you that much. Well in general I’ll say it’s good enough :) it’s worth a visit

Posted: May 13, 2024Experienced: May, 2024
Things to do: 5/5Food: 3/5Budget-friendly: 5/5Safety: 4/5
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Meet locals in Egypt

Meet local women in Egypt who are open to meet up for a coffee or a drink, show you around, give local advice or practice a language with.


About Me

I am an archaeologist and Research at the culture heritage and Intellectual property law


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About Me

Iam Eman I like photography Iam owner to youth connect podcast


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Stay with locals in Egypt

Stay with local women in Egypt who offer free accommodation as part of cultural exchange. Couch surfing is a great way to meet new people, learn more about new cultures and experience destinations like a local.



Can host for:

4 days

About me

I am Hager, live in 6 of October,Giza, Egypt, studies at special education for needs and disability. I am a person who loves to get to know people, make friends, and exchange languages ​​and cultures I would be happy if I host you in my home and get to know each other more


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Can host for:

3 days

About me

Hello my name is Aisha I am French Egyptian and I would like to meet new people thanks

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Hi it’s Miriam here! I’d love to meet likeminded ladies on my travels.


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Safety in Egypt