Is Wellington Safe for Women? Crime in Wellington

Safety index

4.1 /5

The safety level in Wellington is considered high, with an overall safety index of 4.1 out of 5.

Crime index

Very Low
1.1 /5

The crime rate in Wellington is considered very low, with an overall crime index of 1.1 out of 5.

Violence index


On average 2.9% percentage of women in New Zealand have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life, according to OECD Data.

Crime & Safety Statistics

Based on 7 reviews

Safety index:


Safety walking alone after dark:


Safety using public transport:


Crime index:

1.1/5Very Low

Worries of being sexually harassed:

1.1/5Not at all worried

Worries of being sexually assaulted or raped:

1/5Not at all worried

Worries of being physically attacked:

1/5Not at all worried

Worries of home broken and things stolen:

1/5Not at all worried

Worries of being mugged or robbed:

1/5Not at all worried

Worries of being kidnapped or murdered:

1/5Not at all worried

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How safe is Wellington for women?



Wellington is very safe. I personally have never experienced anything untoward from men. However, I have experienced cat-calling over the years, but this seems to have lessened as the world gets more progressive and men begin to use more of their brains. Keep your usual smarts about you, follow your instinct, and make sure you're with people if you're drinking.

Posted: August 9, 2024
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I grew up in Wellington and visit often. I frequently walk or bus home after nights out and have never been particularly worried about my safety. Although the buses are a bit unreliable especially late at night so I would suggest having an alternative form of transport (eg uber and a charged phone with data, there are taxis but theyre not common). The central City is pretty walkable though with only about 20minutes to most parts. From my experience Wellington is one of the safest feeling big cities in New Zealand. I generally leave my stuff on chairs or the floor in a corner (coat not phone/wallet though occasionally purse too) when dancing at clubs since they usually dont have coat rooms as do many people and have never had any issues with that. I have been cat called a few times, generally as a teenager by other teenagers. Ive also had a couple guys at bars be overly pushy about buying me a drink when Ive said no. However, if there are issues you can usually approach the bar tenders or bouncers. If you need to charge your phone often they'll let you at the bar (just dont forget it!). I havent heard of any cases of spiked drinks in Wellington as in Christchurch or Dunedin Theres also a great queer scenes in Wellington so its very welcoming of lgbtq+ The only thing that might seem a bit alarming is when you en counter ganga members, however, they will leave you alone especially as women and in the central city and usually only seem scary. There is also a issue with homeless esa and you May be approach es by someone asking for money but they will not rob you, if you want to help them out you can, otherwise they will leave you alone if you walk away or politely refuse in my experience. On Friday and Saturday nights theres also a water and chill station on the main party street (Courtenay Place) with friendly people handimg out water, its perfectly safe to drink and you can also charge you phone and sit a bit there if you need. Hope this is helpful :)

Posted: June 29, 2024
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Wellington is typically a very safe city for women. I’ve lived here 7 years and only felt unsafe a handful of times. Some streets do not have street lights, which can make you feel a bit uncertain. But overall, I don’t have any issues walking around at night.

Posted: June 23, 2024
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Wellington is a pretty safe place, especially if you are around people. If you are alone you can always ask someone to hang around people are so kind I have lived here my whole life I walk around late a night in most neighborhoods and feel perfectly safe. If I ever needed to I know I could knock on someone's door and they would 9/10 help me out

Posted: June 16, 2024
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Wellington is the capital of NZ but has a small population of about 200k. This is the first time I’ve felt extremely safe in my life, coming from Buenos Aires I couldn’t believe how different it was. Being able to wander quiet neighborhoods at night, even with my headphones in, feels very safe. Riding the bus too, all very chill and friendly. I did however get h8 crime in Auckland while walking holding hands with my ex girlfriend — which was very unpleasant and a bit scary. But this is very unlikely!

Posted: May 14, 2024
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Personally I avoid travelling alone at night regardless of where I am, but I feel safe doing so in wellington when keeping to the main streets. Otherwise, if I'm with at least 1 other person, I feel safe travelling in wellington regardless of time/place. People in wellington are really friendly if you're in need of help. Lots of young people around as it's a major university town. I think biggest risk when going out clubbing at night is drink spiking, but nothing else apart from that.

Posted: April 29, 2024
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Wellington is very safe, everyone is mostly nice and willing to help. There is increased homelessness in Wellington which makes it less safe but overall I think New Zealand’s one of the most safe places in the world and Wellington is the capital

Posted: April 10, 2024
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About Me

Kia ora ladies! 👋🏾 I'm Koree, a 31 year old Kiwi, who is in based in the Netherlands for the next year or so. I've got a three month Interrail pass and am currently heading across Eastern Europe and down into the Balkans. If you're backpacking through here, hola at your girl! Would love to see some open-minded, friendly faces!💃🏽 I'm a coffee roaster who loves to share a cup. I'm super social and am always down for a chat, I enjoy making connections with people, sharing stories, and making memories. You can see 1000 different landmarks, but for me, it's the people that I remember from my travels. Feel free to hit some sights or thrift shops with me, or I'm happy to come and go, I'm very laid back, tidy, and respectful. I love being outside, chasing sunrises and sunsets. Wandering new places, ideally with some pointers from locals, is my way of travelling. I am looking forward to sharing your space, some stories, a meal, and a cuppa with you! 🌻


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About Me

I'm an Australian New Zealander who has traveled all my life. I have a background in broadcasting but now teach English to adults.


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Crime in New Zealand