Solo female travel in Siwa

Nestled in the heart of Egypt's Western Desert, Siwa Oasis is a serene paradise secluded from the modern world. Known for its unique pink and white salt lakes, therapeutic hot springs, and the famous Temple of the Oracle visited once by Alexander the Great, Siwa offers a blend of natural splendor, rich history, and distinct culture. The city’s charming adobe architecture, vast palm gardens, and the mysterious Great Sand Sea are mesmerizing. And not to forget, the hospitable and peaceful Siwan people, who still follow their age-old customs and lifestyles, adding to the extraordinary allure of this hidden Eden.

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Is Siwa good for solo travel?



Siwa is relatively safe for solo female travelers. The local community is welcoming and crime rates are low. However, it is essential to be culturally sensitive and dress modestly, given the conservative nature of the local community. As you would in any other location, always be vigilant about your surroundings.


Siwa is relatively effortless and safe to navigate around. Yet, the town is small enough to be explored by foot and popular transportation modes among locals include bicycles, donkey carts, and small taxis. There is also availability of off-road vehicles which are most suitable for out-of-town adventures. Language might be a slight barrier as less English is spoken, but basic navigation is possible through maps and signages.
Things to do:

Things to do:Interesting

Siwa is known for its breathtaking natural beauty and rich ancient history. It offers numerous activities for a solo female traveler. Archaeological sites like the Temple of the Oracle and the Mountain of the Dead are must-visits for history enthusiasts. You can also experience the amazing hot and cold springs, take a dip in Cleopatra's Pool, explore the stunning salt lakes, and wander through the enchanting Siwa Oasis. The friendly locals, their unique culture and delicious traditional food add another layer to your travel experience. However, Siwa is quite remote and getting there might be challenging.

Food:Above average

The food in Siwa offers a unique fusion of Bedouin, Egyptian and Berber cuisines. Expect diverse menus featuring freshly baked breads, flavorful stews, date desserts and olive products. Although restaurant scene is not diverse, street food and local markets provide a bountiful array of fresh, organic products. Specialties like tagine and couscous are not to be missed. However, for those with restrictive diets, options may be limited.


Siwa may be considered moderately budget-friendly on a global scale. While the cost of food, accommodation, and local transportation can be inexpensive compared to western standards, the main expense is usually the journey to get there, which can be a bit pricy. Also, certain activities or attractions can cause prices to vary, so budgeting and planning in advance may be beneficial.

Is Siwa worth visiting?

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