Solo female travel in Bawiti

Bawiti, an enchanting oasis set amid the vast sandy landscapes of Egypt, serves as the capital of the Bahariya Oasis. Nestled approximately 300 kilometers southwest of Cairo, it stands as a testament to natural beauty juxtaposed with historical artifacts. Bawiti is primarily renowned for its hot and cold springs, the panoramic views from Jebel al-Ingleezi, and remnants of Bedouin culture present even today. Besides, visitors are predominantly attracted by the 'Valley of the Golden Mummies', discovered in the late 1990s, which is one of the biggest treasures being an ancient cemetery with nearly 10,000 mummies. Altogether, Bawiti promises an awe-inspiring medley of historical voyages and natural allure.

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Is Bawiti good for solo travel?



Bawiti is generally safe for solo female travelers. As in many touristic places, it’s recommended to respect the local culture by dressing modestly to avoid unwanted attention. Beware of occasional harassment in busy places, which is usually limited to verbal remarks. Having a local guide can help navigate cultural customs. The people are mostly friendly and helpful, but cautious vigilance must be maintained at all times.


Navigating through Bawiti can be slightly tricky for beginners. The town is small and walkable, but signage is not always clear within the town and the streets often lack names. A local guide can greatly assist with directions and language barriers. Public transportation options are not extensive, necessitating walking or private vehicle rental for exploring the surrounding region. Prepare for a rustic and authentic Egyptian experience!
Things to do:

Things to do:Interesting

Bawiti, offers a wealth of activities, mostly related to the rich history and cultural heritage of the area. Explorations of the Black and White Deserts promise breathtaking landscapes and unforgettable sunset views. Moreover, the city's ancient sites like the Tombs of the Nobles and the Golden Mummies are a treasure trove for history enthusiasts. However, it falls short of a full 5 due to a lack of varied culinary options and modern entertainment, which some travelers may seek.

Food:Above average

The food in Bawiti is quite delectable and boasts a variety of authentic Egyptian dishes. Local delicacies are prevalent, mirroring the vividness of Egyptian culture. It's common to find fresh produce, grilled meats, flavorful spices and traditional baked goods. However, if you're hunting for international cuisines, options might be a little limited. Considering both quality and diversity, it makes a delightful culinary destination for most, but may lack a touch of variety for some. Overall, if you're experiencing Egyptian cuisine, you're in for a treat, but do remember to be mindful of the drinking water.


Bawiti has a range of budget-friendly options, especially when it comes to lodgings and local meals. However, some activities can be expensive, particularly organized tours. Local transport is cheap but often confusing for foreigners.

Is Bawiti worth visiting?

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