Is Borger Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Borger tends to be a safe choice for solo female travelers. Like many parts of the Netherlands, it's often peaceful with friendly locals and low crime rates. However, it is still essential to maintain usual precautions, especially during night hours, as with any other place around the world. There are rare incidents of petty theft, but tourist areas are usually well-policed, ensuring a secure environment. Street lighting is also quite good making it safe for travelers even at night.

Safety rating

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How safe is Borger?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Safe

Borger is a small and relatively tranquil village. Safety is generally high as the crime rate is low, however, like any other place, caution should be given especially at night. Regular cautionary measures include well-lit streets and busy areas as well as avoiding isolated spots. Additionally, locals are usually helpful and friendly.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Very safe

In Borger, the public transportation is generally very reliable and secure. Buses and trains are well-maintained and equipped with modern facilities, including surveillance cameras. The operators have a reputable record of prioritizing passenger safety. Additionally, incidents of crime are extremely low. However, it is always advisable to stay alert at all times, especially during off-peak hours.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Very low

Borger features a quite safe environment with a respectful and courteous local population. Instances of street harassment are extremely rare, making it a friendly destination for solo female travelers.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Very low

The risk of petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag snatching in Borger is relatively low. The country has strict law enforcement and it is generally safe, even for solo female travelers. However, like any travel situation, it's always important to stay alert and oriented with your surroundings to avoid any potential crime.
Tap water:

Tap water:Very safe

In Borger, the tap water is of high quality and incredibly safe to drink, meeting stringent health and safety regulations. Its safety and cleanliness are regularly tested, therefore you should not have any concerns while consuming it.

Is Borger safe to travel?

Is Borger safe right now?

Before your visit to Borger, it's essential to check travel advisories for Netherlands, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The United States Government advises to exercise increased caution in the Netherlands due to terrorism. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 26, 2023

Canada's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

**The Canadian Government advises exercising a high degree of caution in the Netherlands due to the threat of terrorism.** Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 15, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The Australian government advises exercising normal safety precautions in the Netherlands. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: April 9, 2024

Safety in Netherlands