Solo female travel in Oldenzaal

Oldenzaal is a quaint, charming city nestled in the eastern part of the Netherlands, in the province of Overijssel, near the border with Germany. Replete with cultural and historical significance, Oldenzaal is renowned for its rich architectural heritage with landmarks such as the 12th-century St. Plechelmus Basilica, notable for its stunning Romanesque architecture and imposing tower. The city's Carnavalsfeesten, a yearly carnival festival marked by lively music, vibrant costumes, and exuberant parades, draws visitors from far and wide, showcasing the city's unique blend of Dutch and German influences. Teeming with picturesque parks, cozy cafés, and welcoming locals, Oldenzaal offers an idyllic slice of Dutch life and culture.

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Is Oldenzaal good for solo travel?


Safety:Very safe

Oldenzaal is considered a very safe destination for solo female travelers. The crime rate is low and people are generally friendly and helpful. As everywhere, it's important to use common sense and stay alert to your surroundings, but it's a comfortable environment for traveling alone.


Oldenzaal is a small, charming city with a compact city center so getting around is fairly manageable. Cycling and walking are common modes of transport, making it easy to navigate. However, familiarity with Dutch signs and commands could be beneficial.
Things to do:

Things to do:Moderate

Oldenzaal is a quaint, quiet town with charming Dutch architecture and beautiful parks for serene walks. The town has several historical sites like the Basilica of St. Plechelmus, which offers panoramic views of the city. Furthermore, the city has a few appealing shops, cafes, and restaurants. However, the town may not offer the hustle and bustle or the extensive list of activities that some travelers might be expecting from larger cities.


Oldenzaal, a beautiful city in the Netherlands, has a variety of food options to offer. You can expect traditional Dutch delicacies as well as some basic international cuisine. The food variety is decent, but might not meet expectations if one has a palette for more exotic or diverse range of cuisines. On the positive side, the food quality is generally high and the environment in which it is served is often cozy and welcoming.


Oldenzaal, sits right in the middle of budget-friendly destinations. While it’s not the cheapest place you can visit, it also doesn’t break the bank. The accommodation, food, and travel costs are reasonable. If you’re careful with your spending, it’s fairly easy to keep your costs low. Museums and other attractions are also affordable, and there are many free or low-cost outdoor activities to enjoy. However, high-end restaurants and hotels can significantly drive up your costs if you choose those options.

Is Oldenzaal worth visiting?

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