Solo Female Travel in Middelburg

Middelburg is a charming city nestled in the southwestern area of the Netherlands, in the province of Zeeland. Known for its rich history and picturesque views, the city is punctuated by scenic canal belts and characterised by a variety of Gothic architecture. Famous landmarks include the 15th century Town Hall, which stands proud with its striking gothic facade, and the Kloveniersdoelen, a stunning 17th-century building that now houses a cinema and restaurant. Middelburg is also acknowledged for its historic Abbey complex, which not only houses the Zeeland Museum but symbolises the city’s significant monastic history. Visitors usually enjoy boat tours tracing the city’s waterways, which offer a unique vantage point of this medieval city. Whether it's history, architecture, or simply the serene canal scenes, Middelburg provides an unforgettable Dutch experience.

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Is Middelburg good for solo travel?


Safety:Very safe

Middelburg, the Netherlands maintains a noteworthy reputation for its safety, especially for solo female travelers. The crime rate is relatively low, and the locals are known for being friendly and helpful. It has well-lit streets and an excellent public transportation system that runs through even in the late hours, making it easier for you to navigate around the city. Always keep in mind the usual travel precautions such as not leaving your belongings unattended and staying in well-populated areas, especially at night.


Middelburg is a compact and easy-to-navigate city with pedestrian-friendly streets. Adjacent areas are accessible via bike paths and public transportation, like buses and trains. Taxis are also an option for direct travel but might be less cost- and eco-efficient. In general, getting around will be fairly simple as long as you're familiar with maps or navigator apps.
Things to do:

Things to do:Interesting

Middelburg is a city rich in history and culture. It boasts stunning old Dutch architecture, quaint cobbled streets, and charming canals. There are plenty of interesting activities for solo female travelers as well. Visit the beautiful 15th Century Abbey, now a museum and tower with panoramic views of the city. Dive into the city's maritime history at the Zeeuws Museum. Plenty of shopping and dining options in the charming town center offer a true Dutch experience. Explore the city by boat tour and breathe in the unique and peaceful vibes of Middelburg. Overall, the city provides an authentic taste of the Netherlands.

Food:Above average

The culinary scene in Middelburg is rather varied and exciting. The town is brimming with numerous places that serve a wide range of delicious food, from traditional Dutch cuisine to international dishes. Vegetarian and vegan options are also becoming more commonplace. The fresh seafood, owing to the town's seaside location, is a must-try. Some places also offer outdoor seating areas which enhance the overall dining experience, particularly in the summer.


Middelburg, as a small town in the Netherlands, is relatively budget-friendly compared to the larger cities like Amsterdam or Rotterdam. Dining and accommodations can be fairly affordable, particularly if you eat at local restaurants and stay in budget accommodations. However, travel costs can add up, particularly if you are visiting from a different country. In addition, certain activities or attractions may have entrance fees.

Is Middelburg worth visiting?

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