I have lived for 3 years here, it is totally safe. I guess it was not safe before 10 years ago, but now everything is good. I mean ı am not from here, I am from Amasya, the blacksea region of Turkey. I am a teacher here so there is no problem about something
Posted: April 7, 2024leyla
Hey!, Leyla here. I am an artsy person who likes adventure and traveling. I am an open minded person and want to explore as much as possible. I am here to connect and get inspired.
Hello, my name is ikbal.I am studying at medical school. I live in Diyarbakır, and I love this city for its nature, history, and cuisine. I enjoy traveling, discovering different cultures, and exploring new places. I am always looking for different experiences during my travels and aim to learn something new from every place I visit.