Is Turkey Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Traveling solo as a woman in Turkey is generally safe. Large cities like Istanbul and Ankara, as well as tourist hubs such as Antalya and Cappadocia, are typically welcoming to foreign visitors. However, like many places, it demands a certain level of consciousness and alertness, especially at night. Always be aware of your surroundings, maintain personal boundaries, and avoid secluded areas. It can be helpful to learn a few key phrases in Turkish, but most people in Turkey's tourist areas speak English.

Safety rating

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How safe is Turkey?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Moderate

Turkey's safety can vary greatly depending upon the location and specific circumstances. Major cities like Istanbul and Ankara maintain a lively nightlife and are generally safe, yet usual precautions should be taken, as in any major city. Walking alone at night is generally safe in busy neighborhoods and tourist zones, but it's always advisable to stay within well-lit areas and avoid less populated locales. Small towns and rural areas may pose increased risks due to lower police presence and less infrastructure. As always, it's crucial to stay alert, informed, confident, and aware of your surroundings.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Safe

In Turkey, the public transportation system, which includes buses, trams, and the metro, is generally quite secure and reliable. Even during night hours, it's possible to use these services without encountering major safety concerns. However, like any travel scenario, it is advised to stay vigilant, especially in crowded areas, as pickpocketing can sometimes occur. Other than that, many female solo travelers have found public transportation in Turkey to be a viable and mostly safe option for moving around.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Moderate

As a solo female traveler in Turkey, it is not uncommon to encounter some level of street harassment. This could range from catcalling to persistent vendors and unsolicited advances. That said, it usually doesn't escalate beyond verbal exchanges and tends to largely occur in crowded, tourist-heavy areas. The majority of Turkish locals are friendly, respectful, and incredibly hospitable. However, understanding that street harassment is circumstantial and can vary based on the specific region, time, and even your outfit is beneficial. Practicing caution and choosing to ignore or address such behavior assertively can be of great help in these scenarios.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Moderate

In Turkey, petty crimes such as pickpocketing and purse snatching are somewhat common, particularly in crowded areas such as markets and public transportation. Be particularly cautious in tourist-heavy areas, as these tend to be the spots where such activities are most prevalent. However, if vigilant, it is generally easy to avoid such incidents.
Tap water:

Tap water:Moderate

While tap water in Turkey is chlorinated and considered safe for locals, it may still upset the stomachs of visitors not used to the local water quality. Some areas have particularly hard water which may upset your stomach. Bottled water is readily available and highly recommended for drinking.

Is Turkey safe to travel?

3.9 /5

Based on 24 experiences


Samara (17)


Family travel experience

My trip to Turkey surprised me a lot because I didn't know much about the country, so I didn't had high expectations, just went with the flow and I trusted In our tour guide and it was Incredible beautiful country with various types of landscapes and beautiful people. I was very happy to Get to know a culture so different from mine. I felt very safe throughout the trip. . I saw on the streets was 90% of the People are men and few women.

Posted: June 26, 2024Experienced: January, 2018
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Solo travel experience

In turkey, as a blond girl, i wouldnt say that i felt safe, but finally nothing threatening happened. But still it would have been better with somebody. Also because Im vegetarian there wasnt that many food options, but overall i loved turkey, and the vibrant city life in Istambul.

Posted: May 31, 2024
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Lily (24)

United States

Couple travel experience

- I was not traveling alone but I generally did feel safe. Turkish people are really friendly and kind, but they also don’t bother you if you don’t want to be bothered. - Istanbul was the most incredible city. I stayed in kadikoy on the Asian side - HIGHLY RECOMMEND! All the tourists stay in the European side and kadikoy was this perfect little local paradise of young hip people out at bars, cafes, restaurants, record shops, etc. You can just travel to the attractions in the European side when you want to see touristy things - VISIT THE PRINCES ISLANDS! This was my favorite part of my trip. I went to Buyukada during the summer. Idyllic paradise without cars. Only bikes and little summer cottages with men serving the most delicious gelato in their little vintage ice cream carts. Amazing food and nature and relaxed laid back atmosphere.

Posted: March 20, 2024Experienced: August, 2023
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Solo travel experience

Istanbul and antalya are of my favourite places. Infact I went back to turkey last year with fam and visited these two places again. Felt very safe except got my wallet stolen out of my bag in asian side if istanbul

Posted: March 12, 2024
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Nursem (31)


Family travel experience

Turkey is a safe country. I solo travel by myself as a women for a long time. I can only suggest you to not to stay outside at late hours when there is no one around. But it's same for most other countries these days.

Posted: February 9, 2024Experienced: November, 2023
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Group travel experience

I went to Istanbul, Cappadocia, and Antalya. I went with friends, getting around was very easy, public transportation was great, and I felt safe the whole time.

Posted: December 24, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I traveled alone to Turkey and I never felt unsafe there. Sometimes I felt uncomfortable and had difficulties in Istanbul to push away a few guys trying to attract me to their shop. I made a car journey along the whole turquoise coast and in some smaller towns people stared at me, but I never felt threatened, just out of place.

Posted: December 2, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I love Turkey. I have been there several times and explored it by myself. I adore this place and always felt safe there. There were probably only one or two situations out of four times I was there, when men made me feel a bit uncomfortable (both situations happened in Istanbul).

Posted: July 27, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I just spent a few months in Turkey and I've never experienced any harassment, only a few obvious stares, mainly from older men, and mostly in big cities (Izmir, Istanbul). Most of my time was spent in Kas and Cappadocia and I never felt uncomfortable in any of those places, even felt safe walking there at night. I would recommend visiting Kas - it has the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.

Posted: July 26, 2023
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Solo travel experience

I spent 2 weeks in Turkey (Istanbul, Cappadocia region and Antalya) and I felt safe everywhere, even when walking alone at night. I dressed conservatively (long pants and t-shirts) in Istanbul and Cappadocia, but Antalya was much more beach-oriented and many people were wearing shorts and crop tops.

Posted: June 22, 2023
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Is Turkey safe for women?

Safety rating

2.8 /5

Based on 9 experiences

Crime rates rating

2.1 /5

Based on 9 experiences

Change between every city but you need to take care yourself. Not a bad country but every city has different people so danger can be around. If you in crowded cities you not feel bad about it but don't walk empty street alone.

Posted: May 13, 2024
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I couldn't say Turkey is not safe but we always heard on the news about violations, robbery etc And because of not enough precaution you will never know what will happen next. It is a matter of luck i think.

Posted: April 22, 2024
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Is Turkey safe right now?

Before your visit to Turkey, it's essential to check travel advisories for Turkey, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The United States government advises to exercise increased caution when traveling to Turkey due to terrorism and arbitrary detentions. Note that some areas have an increased risk. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 26, 2023

Canada's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The Canadian government advises exercising a high degree of caution in Türkiye due to the threat of terrorist attacks and the possibility of demonstrations throughout the country. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 15, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The Australian government advises exercising a high degree of caution overall in Turkey, due to the threat of terrorism. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: May 9, 2024

Is Turkey worth visiting?

Overall rating

4.6 /5

based on 24 experiences

Solo travel experience

Traveling in Turkey was amazing, there are beautiful beaches and the people are very welcoming and kind, the kindest people I ever met. It’s very easy to rent a scooter, it’s also very easy to travel by bus or by ferry all turkey, is very well connected. I had a beautiful experience, considering I travelled the whole coast. I don’t recommend Istanbul and Antalya, but it’s probably my personal taste.

Posted: June 20, 2024
Things to do: 4/5Food: 4/5Budget-friendly: 4/5Safety: 4/5
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Solo travel experience

Türkiye has many beautiful regions. I lived in Turkey for many years. Each region (city) has different and delicious local dishes. It is a country with poor reliability. However, if you want to travel, have fun and eat delicious food, it will be the right choice.

Posted: June 6, 2024
Things to do: 4/5Food: 5/5Budget-friendly: 4/5Safety: 2/5
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Safety in Turkey