Is Lima Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Lima, as most of the large cities around the world, has its safe and unsafe areas. Common-sense precautions such as not flashing expensive items or travelling alone at night should be observed. Public transport can be crowded and a bit chaotic, so watch out for pickpockets. It's always advisable to stay in populated areas and tourist zones where there is a greater police presence and security measures. Overall, careful planning and vigilance can ensure a safe trip to this vibrant city.

Safety rating

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How safe is Lima?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Moderate

Lima's safety at night varies based on the area. Some districts like Miraflores and Barranco are generally safer, especially in areas with heavy police presence. However, other parts of Lima are not recommended to traverse alone at night. Public transportation should also be used with caution. Using reputable taxi services or ride-share apps is usually safer, especially after dark. Like any bustling city, caution should always be applied in Lima, regardless of day or night. Always stay alert, avoid displaying valuable possessions, and stick to well-trafficked areas.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Moderate

Public transportation in Lima is generally reliable and can be used safely. However, it can also be chaotic and crowded especially during peak hours. This can sometimes make it uncomfortable and more vulnerable to petty thefts. Mini vans or 'combis' are usually not recommended due to their erratic driving. The Metropolitano (bus) and the Lima Metro are comparatively safer, but it's always necessary to stay alert about one's belongings. It's certainly possible to navigate through Lima with public transportation, but it must be done cautiously.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Moderate

In Lima, you may encounter a moderate level of street harassment. It's common to hear catcalling and you might receive some unwanted attention. However, the general population is rather respectful. It is always important to use your street sense, ignore unwanted attention, dress modestly, and stay in populous areas whenever possible.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Moderate

While Lima has much to offer in terms of culture and beauty, petty crimes such as pickpocketing, purse snatching, and theft can be quite common, particularly in crowded areas and tourist hotspots. It's essential to always stay alert and be cautious with your belongings to minimize the risk of falling victim to such crimes.
Tap water:

Tap water:Unsafe

While the tap water in Lima has been treated and should technically be safe to drink, many locals and travelers opt to consume bottled or boiled water. This is because local water sources may still contain microorganisms that individuals unfamiliar with the area or with more sensitive stomachs may react adversely to. In order to prevent possible health complications such as traveler's diarrhea, it would be safest for you to stick to bottled or boiled water during your stay.

Is Lima safe to travel?

4 /5

Based on 15 experiences

Solo travel experience

I really fell in love with Lima, which I didn't expect, because I heared a lot of mixed stories from other travellers. You need to know which areas are safe, but especially in Barranco and Miraflores I felt super safe! A lot of cute restaurants and cafés, I'll definitely come back to stay here longer!

Posted: February 8, 2024Experienced: February, 2024
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Solo travel experience

I spent a few days alone in Lima in January of this year. I really had a good time (I stayed in Miraflores) and didn't have any problems. I took a great walking tour, ate incredible food, and everyone was very kind. I recommend adhering to usual safety rules and not walking alone after dusk.

Posted: November 5, 2023
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Jov (40)


Solo travel experience

Worked remote from Lima for 2 months and loved it. Friendly culture, lots to do, affordable, easy to get around. Felt safe as a female solo traveller The food is incredible! It’s easy to eat and live healthily in Peru. Lots of activities

Posted: May 15, 2023Experienced: January, 2020
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Solo travel experience

Personally, I was not a fan of Lima. The traffic was a nightmare and I spent ages moving from one place to another (I used Uber). The old town had some amazing buildings and it was worth spending a day there. I stayed in Miraflores. I felt safe walking around there, but I was cautious in the evening.

Posted: April 11, 2023
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Solo travel experience

Safety: I was alone at night in Miraflores, Barranco, and downtown. I didn't have any problems. Recommendations: This is a huge city with good and bad sides. Always have cash on you. Many smaller places don't accept cards. Learn a few basic words in Spanish. Taxi drivers will try to take advantage of you. The airport is not in a very nice area.

Posted: October 29, 2022
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Solo travel experience

Safety: Lima is completely safe. Recommendations: Kennedy Park is fun - vendors appear there in the evenings. Wonderful outdoor shopping center near the beach, with fantastic restaurants overlooking the ocean. There is a promenade near the Marriott and there is an ice cream shop with the best ice cream in the world.

Posted: October 25, 2022
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Solo travel experience

Safety: I always felt very safe in Lima, but I did not walk there after dark. Recommendations: Finish the free walk. If you don't have plans for the evening, you should try going to "Parque de las Aguas" to watch a water show - it is really impressive.

Posted: October 24, 2022
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Solo travel experience

I absolutely loved Lima! My favorite district was definitely Barranco. I felt very safe, there were many restaurants, shops, a grocery store, walking trails and it was very close to the beach.

Posted: October 23, 2022
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Solo travel experience

Safety: Lima is absolutely safe. Recommendations: Take part in a free city walk. The Inca markets are great for souvenirs, and the Cathedral of St. Francis in San Francisco with its crypts is very interesting! Go shopping at Larcomar or to Kennedy Park for street food.

Posted: October 23, 2022
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Is Lima safe for women?

Lima is a big city, and the safety depends on the district you are in. Many tourists prefer to skip the city, but I definitely would recommend staying at least two days, so you can get the full experience. Peru is known for its cuisine and in Lima you can find great restaurants.

Posted: June 15, 2024
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Is not too safe. Depends everything, be careful and use google maps for safety but generally in the morning or afternoon is more safe than later. Enjoy, discreet and keep in touch with your friends. Xoxo

Posted: May 20, 2024
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Is Lima safe right now?

Before your visit to Lima, it's essential to check travel advisories for Peru, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The United States Government advises exercising increased caution due to crime, civil unrest, and the possibility of kidnapping. Some areas have an increased risk. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: November 15, 2023

Canada's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The Canadian government advises exercising a high degree of caution in Peru due to high levels of crime, as well as social conflicts and strikes that may occur across the country. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 24, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

**The Australian government advises exercising a high degree of caution in Peru overall due to the threat of violent crime.** Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 2, 2024

Is Lima worth visiting?

Overall rating

4.3 /5

based on 15 experiences

Solo travel experience

Lima, Perú is a wonderful place! I stayed around 4 days and then travelled to Cusco. I enjoyed delicious food; one of them that is typical is Ceviche, a dish marinated in citrus and seasonings, along with ingredients like onions, chiles, and herbs. One of the funniest activities I did was to go to the Huacachina desert, where I travelled around the desert on buggies and did sandboarding. I highly recommend it!

Posted: May 7, 2024
Things to do: 5/5Food: 5/5Budget-friendly: 3/5Safety: 5/5
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Solo travel experience

You will most likely come to Lima, it's a nice stop for good cuisine and it's worth staying there for a day or two. I stayed in Barranco and I really liked this area. If you want to go to Cusco, give yourself enough time to acclimate.

Posted: October 28, 2022
Things to do: 5/5Food: 5/5Budget-friendly: 3/5Safety: 5/5
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Meet locals in Lima

Meet local women in Lima who are open to meet up for a coffee or a drink, show you around, give local advice or practice a language with.


About Me

Hello! My name is Evelyn, I'm a Peruvian backpacker currently traveling through Central America.


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About Me

Hello My name is Muriel I love meeting new people from different cultures, I love learning new languages and travelling, and although I didn't travel as Much as I wanted, but I will soon. ✨


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Stay with locals in Lima

Stay with local women in Lima who offer free accommodation as part of cultural exchange. Couch surfing is a great way to meet new people, learn more about new cultures and experience destinations like a local.



Can host for:

4 days

About me

Hey, I'm Laura from Peru, Latinoamérica. I'm Power BI online instructor in Superprof. Also I'm a Christian. I want to make friends and travel the world in a budget!


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Can host for:

3 days

About me

Hi, I'm Angela. I am a university student who likes to travel. What inspires me is to learn more and more, I feel that from every experience you have, you always take something with you. Traveling for me means living, you live every moment of your trip, you see things and places that you have never seen before.


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Safety in Peru