Is Liège Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Liège is generally quite safe for solo female travelers. The areas commonly visited by tourists are usually well-regulated and secure. However, like any other city, it's recommended to stay alert, particularly during the night or in less crowded areas. Proper precautions such as avoiding displaying expensive items, and staying in well-lit areas should be taken to ensure safety.

Safety rating

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How safe is Liège?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Moderate

Liège has a moderate safety level at night. While it's generally safe and locals are friendly, it is always important to be cautious when walking alone, especially in less crowded or poorly lit areas. Just as in any other city, taking the usual precautions such as staying in well-lit areas, not displaying valuable items such as expensive jewelry or electronics, and being aware of your surroundings should result in a stress-free experience. Public transportation and taxis are considered safe in Liège. However, should you feel uncomfortable, the local police are generally helpful.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Safe

Public transportation in Liège is generally reliable and safe. The buses and trains are well-maintained, frequently arriving on time. It's rare to hear about significant safety issues onboard. However, as with any city, remain vigilant, especially during hours when there might be fewer fellow passengers.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Low

In Liège, the level of street harassment tends to be relatively low. It is generally regarded as a safe and friendly city where respect towards women is highly valued. However, like in every city, occasional incidents may still occur. Be aware of your surroundings, especially at night or in less thriving areas, but overall, you should feel comfortable and secure while walking the streets of Liège.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Low

Liège, like any city, isn't entirely free from petty crimes such as pickpocketing, especially in crowded places and public transport. However, the crime rate is still relatively low compared to other major cities. It is advisable to exercise usual care, avoid deserted areas, especially at night, and secure your personal belongings.
Tap water:

Tap water:Very safe

Tap water in Liège is of excellent quality and it's entirely safe to drink. It undergoes strict controls and regulations by the local health authority to ensure it's clean and healthy. It can even be an alternative to bottled water which could save your budget as a traveler.

Is Liège safe to travel?

Is Liège safe for women?



The people of Liège are very nice and welcoming. The cultural and traditional events are always warm. There are many artists... you can make a few friends in just a few minutes. However, there is also increasing poverty. Most of the homeless people are very kind, obviously, but some have already shown aggression when you can't meet their requests. Theft is very common in the "Carré" (streets filled with bars), and it is not advisable to walk home alone from the Carré after an evening out. However, nothing very serious has ever happened to me. I prefer events over bars.

Posted: June 18, 2024
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Hey! I'm Laura and I'm from Belgium. I always jump into new opportunities. I worked in Spain, France and teach for three years in Rwanda. I have visited countries and cities and snorkelled everytime I could, and I'm proud about that... but I am now interested about living in an other way. Sooooo I'm solo travelling for the first time. It's been one week and I know for sure that it won't be the last time. I'm experiencing and very excited about learning from women around the world.


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I love to travel, meeting new people and sharing experiences


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Hey!, My name is Soraya and I'm interested in animals, art, backpacking, business, culture, fashion, health, hiking, nature, running, solo travel, sightseeing and languages


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Safety in Belgium