Women living in Zvolen consider the safety level to be relatively high, with an overall safety rating of 4 out of 5.
Women living in Zvolen consider the crime rate to be relatively low, with an overall crime rating of 1.9 out of 5.
On average 5.5% percentage of women in Slovakia have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life, according to OECD Data.
Based on 4 experiences
Safety rating: | 4/5 | Safe |
Safety walking alone after dark: | 3.4/5 | Moderate |
Safety using public transport: | 3.4/5 | Moderate |
Crime rate: | 1.9/5 | Low |
Worries of being sexually harassed: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of being sexually assaulted or raped: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of being physically attacked: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of home broken and things stolen: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of being mugged or robbed: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Worries of being kidnapped or murdered: | 1/5 | Not at all worried |
Zvolen is safe for the most part. As any other cities there are safe zones and not to safe zones. Overal 4/5. Zvolen is pretty safe even during evening. But in the evening, I recommend staying in urban areas and not in the park
Posted: January 30, 2025Its a save town. Not that much crime happens here. Lots of kind and Nice people live here. I am a Police officer so i know the best. On weekend its also calm. We have only two clubs but nothing strange happens there. :)
Posted: January 1, 2025Safe place , but needs to be carefull as everywhere where lives prople :) Has beautiful nature and sport options, also relax and excellent restaurants If you plan to visit , please feel free to contact me !
Posted: December 31, 2024Zvolen is a city in the middle of Slovakia with around 43000 inhabitants. Public places are very safe, I have never heard of someone getting jumped or anything. Home invasions are basicly nearly non-existent. The only thing a bit dangerous could be gypsy beggars who would curse at you if you don't give them money, but I guess only one in 1000 would actually be mad at you, and there isn't that much of them anyways. They tend to beg in grocery stores' parking lots or near the bus/train station, but not very often. If you just ignore them you will be fine. Besides that, Zvolen is pretty safe, no drug junkies, absolutely no guns, just occasional drunk person or a begging gypsy.
Posted: June 3, 2024kristina
Hi! I am a student from Slovakia, currently studying logistics in Czechia, who loves travelling, taking cute pictures and meeting new people l