Women living in Paco de Arcos consider the safety level to be relatively low, with an overall safety rating of 2.2 out of 5.
Women living in Paco de Arcos consider the crime rate to be very low, with an overall crime rating of 1 out of 5.
On average 2.5% percentage of women in Portugal have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life, according to OECD Data.
Safety rating: | 2.2/5 | Unsafe |
Safety walking alone after dark: | N/A | Not enough data |
Safety using public transport: | N/A | Not enough data |
Crime rate: | 1/5 | Very Low |
Worries of being sexually harassed: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of being sexually assaulted or raped: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of being physically attacked: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of home broken and things stolen: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of being mugged or robbed: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of being kidnapped or murdered: | N/A | Not enough data |
I have been living here for all my life and nothing ever happened to me, i walk alone at night and only felt unsafe a couple of times but nothing serious. Never been mugged or kidnapped, its really rare to have man harrass me here
Posted: February 6, 2025