Solo female travel in Rundu

Rundu, nestled in northern Namibia, is a beautiful gateway city to the Caprivi Strip, sitting right on the Angolan border and offering a picturesque view of the remarkable Okavango River. As a cultural melting pot, it is known for its fascinating mix of Herero, Kwangali, and Mbukushu tribes, with each exhibiting distinct traditions and customs. Visitors are magnetized to vibrant open-air craft markets that showcase top-notch indigenous woodcarvings, pottery, and basketry. Additionally, the area's natural attractions include the stunning Kavango River, idyllic river islands, and lush subtropical plantations which make it a haven for bird watchers and fishing enthusiasts.

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Is Rundu good for solo travel?



Rundu typically carries a moderate safety level for solo female travelers. While the major tourist areas are generally safe during the day, it is advisable to be cautious, particularly during nighttime. Street crime, which is more common in urban areas, may be a concern but taking regular precautions can largely avoid such issues. It is recommended to familiarize oneself with the local customs and regulations, and to stay in well-traveled areas. Local authorities are generally helpful and the people are generally friendly and welcoming to travelers.


Rundu offers an average level of convenience for getting around. Main attractions can be accessed easily. While the town has minimal public transit, it's sufficient to get you to major points. However, taxi cabs and walking are often the most relied upon modes of transport. Note that signage may not be abundant so navigation could be slightly challenging and some areas may not feel overly safe when traversing alone. Additionally, the lack of massive traffic makes for relatively peaceful travel.
Things to do:

Things to do:Moderate

Rundu, nestled alongside the Okavango River, has a unique cultural richness and beautiful landscapes that are quite enjoyable to explore. Traditional woodcarvings and woven baskets supply an authentic taste of local talent and creativity. There are several dining locations offering regional cuisine. For nature enthusiasts, the river offers opportunities for bird watching, fishing, and river cruises. However, compared to other destinations in Namibia, the activity selection is somewhat limited, mostly centered around nature and local culture.

Food:Above average

In Rundu, you can experience a vast array of flavours. The local cuisine is a fascinating blend of traditional Namibian food, offering a variety of dishes made from locally sourced ingredients such as millet, maize, and meat. Seafood is plentiful and commonly enjoyed due to its location along the Okavango River. However, for those who crave international cuisine, there might be less diversity. Overall, the food in Rundu provides an exciting journey for the palate.


Rundu is relatively budget-friendly. The cost of accommodation varies but affordable options are available. Eating out is inexpensive as local food markets and small eateries offer cheap and delicious local dishes. Public transportation is also cost-effective and generally safe. However, the cost of activities like safari tours can be a little expensive but is definitely worth the experience.

Is Rundu worth visiting?

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