Is Outjo safe for solo female travelers?

Outjo in Namibia is a relatively safe town and convenient launchpad for trips to the famed Etosha National Park. Crime rates are lower compared to larger cities. Locals are generally friendly and welcoming to tourists. Despite its safety, as a solo female traveler you're advised to take standard precautions like avoiding travelling or walking alone at night and looking after your belongings. Make sure to stay in well-reviewed accommodation, preferably with other travelers.

Safety rating

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How safe is Outjo?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Moderate

Outjo is a relatively peaceful town in Namibia and safety levels can be described as moderate. However, it's important to take precautions while walking alone at night. There may not always be a constant police presence and not all areas are well-lit or populated. Use your judgment and stick to well-known and lit areas when possible. When in doubt, taking a taxi or arranging transportation is highly recommended.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Safe

Public transportation in Outjo is generally reliable and safe. The mainly used public transportation are taxis and buses. Bus drivers are professional and always in uniform. Taxis in Outjo are usually shared and you might have to wait until they are full before they depart. Travelers report few incidents of crime related to public transportation, although it's advisable to avoid traveling at night. Always keep your belongings secure to prevent opportunistic theft.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Low

Outjo, located in Namibia, is generally a peaceful city known for its friendly locals. As a solo female traveler, rare instances of street harassment may be encountered. However, most natives are respectful and the overall experience should be satisfying. Always exercise basic safety measures that you would anywhere else in the world.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Low

Outjo, generally maintains a low rate of petty crimes such as pickpocketing, theft, or minor scams. It is considered relatively safer as compared to other regions. However, it is always advisable to stay cautious, keep your personal belongings secure, and avoid isolated areas or walking alone at night.
Tap water:

Tap water:Safe

Tap water in Outjo is generally safe for consumption. While local residents use this for daily consumption, travelers may experience slight digestive discomfort due to a change in the water's mineral content. Boiling or filtering the water before drinking is still suggested when possible.

Is Outjo safe to travel?

Is Outjo safe right now?

Before your visit to Outjo, it's essential to check travel advisories for Namibia, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The United States government advises exercising increased caution in Namibia due to crime. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: November 27, 2023

Canada's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The Canadian government advises exercising a high degree of caution in Namibia due to the high levels of crime. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: April 5, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The Australian Government advises to exercise normal safety precautions. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: February 21, 2024

Safety in Namibia