Solo Female Travel in Geel

Geel is a charming and historical city situated in the province of Antwerp, Belgium, known for its unique approach to mental healthcare. It rests amidst a striking Flemish landscape of rolling hills and scenic waterways, adorned with medieval architectures and cobbled alleyways. Geel's reputation as a sanitarium town dates back centuries, with a unique model of integrating mental health patients into the community as boarders, considered pioneers in community-based psychiatric care. The city is also home to the 15th-century St. Dymphna Church, dedicated to the Irish saint of the same name, revered for healing mental illnesses. A rich blend of culture, heritage, and a unique testament to compassionate healthcare, Geel provides a truly distinct travel experience.

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Hi, My name is Bliz and I'm interested in business, cinema, food & cuisine, live music, photography, swimming, events & social, art, fashion, solo travel and running


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