Я ще навчаюся, іноді люблю готувати, хочу розвиватися та вважаю, що для цього ніколи не пізно - головне мати бажання
Hi ladies! My name is Anastasia, I’m 22. My friends call me sunshine, so I guess that means I’m a positive human being🌿 I love to travel (just like everyone here, I bet😅), take pictures, eat good food and meet great people.
3 days
Hi! I'm Lizzie, I'm new here and just looking around) glad to be helpful and finding new friends 💜 Also I'm a professional archery girl, so I will be happy to give you a master class in archery 🏹🎯 (maybe it will be useful in case of the apocalypse 🤔😌)