Krugersdorp is fairly safe. Just don't walk around at night, there's lots of natural landscapes, hiking spots , waterfalls and malls. All these places are safe. I've lived here since 2018 and have never been assaulted or harassed or robbed.
Posted: December 25, 2024It’s alright, of course every area has its own problems for women. South Africa is very high unfortunately on the femicide list. Personally I have not faced problems, but I’m not deaf to other women’s stories. Krugersdorp is chill enough though.
Posted: December 24, 2024Amy
I am a student living in Johannesburg, South Africa. I had tourism as a subject at school and love sharing the South African culture and heritage with everyone! I am Afrikaans with a diverse friend group - we feel like we have a lot to offer all the girls around the world heh :)