Is Higuey safe for solo female travelers?

Higuey generally offers a moderate safety level for solo female travelers. It is advisable to remain cautious primarily during the night and in secluded areas. Like other tourist places, petty crimes such as pick-pocketing and bag snatching are common in crowded areas. It is always recommended to be aware of your surroundings, avoid displaying flashy jewelry or expensive devices and use reputable transportation or tour companies.

Safety rating

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How safe is Higuey?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Unsafe

Traveling in Higuey at night as a solo female traveler could pose some risks. It's generally recommended not to walk alone after dark. While locals are often friendly, incidents of petty crime like pickpocketing can occur, and they increase at night. Always be aware of your surroundings, stay in well-lit areas, and consider taking a trusted taxi instead of walking, for safety reasons.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Moderate

Public transportation in Higuey is relatively reliable and well-utilized by locals and tourists alike. However, keep in mind that the buses can often be crowded and the schedules can be somewhat inconsistent. It's always important to stay alert, keep your belongings secure, and be aware of your surroundings. Also, it might be beneficial to have a basic understanding of Spanish to navigate better.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Low

Higuey in the Dominican Republic is relatively safe with respect to street harassment. Most travelers get to experience the public life, markets, and festivals largely unhindered. However, as it is everywhere else in the world, it is advisable to always practice safe travel, particularly at night. Being a tourist hotspot, you may encounter people trying to sell products or services, but these are not typically aggressive. A confident demeanor helps to minimize unwanted attention. Remember, your safety is paramount so always trust your gut and err on the side of caution when in doubt.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Moderate

Higuey, generally portrays an average risk level for petty crimes. Travellers most commonly encounter acts like pickpocketing or bag snatching, particularly in populated areas or tourist hotspots. While these crimes are not rampant, preparedness and caution are highly advised - such as securing personal items and vigilance in public spaces.
Tap water:

Tap water:Very unsafe

In Higuey, the tap water is typically not advised for drinking. Local residents often have built-in tolerances or systems to filter and boil the water, but for travelers, particularly solo female travelers, it's generally recommended to stick with bottled water. Tap water can sometimes contain certain bacteria and parasites that the body is not used to and can result in a variety of gastrointestinal problems. Always prioritize your health when traveling.

Is Higuey safe to travel?

Is Higuey safe right now?

Before your visit to Higuey, it's essential to check travel advisories for Dominican Republic, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The United States government advises exercising increased caution in the Dominican Republic due to crime. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: June 6, 2023

Canada's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The Canadian Government advises exercising a high degree of caution in the Dominican Republic due to crime. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: May 6, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The Australian Government advises to exercise a high degree of caution in the Dominican Republic due to the threat of violent crime. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: December 5, 2023

Safety in Dominican Republic