Women living in Sighisoara consider the safety level to be moderate, with an overall safety rating of 3.1 out of 5.
Women living in Sighisoara consider the crime rate to be very low, with an overall crime rating of 1 out of 5.
On average 8.5% percentage of women in Romania have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life, according to OECD Data.
Safety rating: | 3.1/5 | Moderate |
Safety walking alone after dark: | N/A | Not enough data |
Safety using public transport: | N/A | Not enough data |
Crime rate: | 1/5 | Very Low |
Worries of being sexually harassed: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of being sexually assaulted or raped: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of being physically attacked: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of home broken and things stolen: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of being mugged or robbed: | N/A | Not enough data |
Worries of being kidnapped or murdered: | N/A | Not enough data |
I think it is a safe town especially the center and citadel area. If you go to the outskirts of the town you might have to be a bit more careful. But just general awareness. I would not be too worried
Posted: September 21, 2024Alena
Hi. I'm Alena a young woman from Romania who is very eager to travel and make new friends. I have a quite spacious apartment in which I am very happy to host. I'm in my last year of school at Joseph Haltrich high school in Sighisoara.
Hey I‘m Anna! I am a Swiss girl living in romania. I definitely love to travel and to meet new people, but i am an introvert so it takes some time for me to open up!