Solo Female Travel in Shari

Shari is a serene and picturesque town located in the northeastern part of Hokkaido, Japan. This tranquil town is best known for its proximity to the magnificent Shiretoko National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With its beautiful unspoiled mountainous terrains, abundant wildlife, hot springs, and stunning waterfalls cascading directly into the Sea of Okhotsk, Shari captivates nature lovers worldwide. The town is also home to a spectacle of drift ice in the winter months, offering a truly unique sight that perfectly captures the essence of Hokkaido's rich natural beauty. As a gateway to Shiretoko's many natural attractions and its traditional Japanese charm, Shari indeed forms an exhilarating destination for any travel enthusiast.

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Is Shari good for solo travel?


Safety:Very safe

Shari is generally considered very safe for solo female travelers. The crime rates are low and locals are often helpful towards tourists. Yet, like any location, it's advisable to stay aware of your surroundings, particularly at night, and keep your personal belongings secure at all times. The main concern would be language barrier but many Japanese people, specially the younger generation, are able to communicate in English. Furthermore, there are signs in English available in many areas. Despite this, emergency assistance and police services are highly efficient and accessible.


Traveling in Shari can be relatively manageable. However, English proficiency is not common among the locals. Navigating can prove to be slightly challenging for those who cannot comprehend Japanese well. There are clear signage in places useful for tourists, but certain areas might present difficulty. Nevertheless, friendly locals and tourist information centers can be a great help.
Things to do:

Things to do:Moderate

Shari, often known as the gateway to Shiretoko National Park, offers numerous outdoor activities like hiking, wildlife viewing, and boat tours to Steller sea lion colonies. The town itself is quite small with few attractions, however, it's the surrounding nature which makes it appealing. If you love nature and a quiet humble town, it's a paradise, but if you're after vibrant city life or cultural activities, it might not meet your expectations.

Food:Above average

The food in Shari is a delightful journey of flavors and cuisine styles. With the town's close proximity to the sea, expect a wide range of seafood dishes including fresh sushi and sashimi. As with much of Hokkaido, you'll also find a variety of dairy products. Traditional Japanese cuisine is standard, with other food types being a bit less accessible. With few vegetarian options, it may be a struggle for those with dietary restrictions.


Shari offers a moderate budget-friendly environment. Cheap yet cozy accommodations are readily available and some restaurants offer meals at reasonable prices. However, attractions such as the Shiretoko National Park can see variable pricing depending on the season. Public transportation might also add up if you're planning to travel around a lot. So, while not extremely expensive, some expenses are relatively higher than other cities in Japan.

Is Shari worth visiting?

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