Villavicencio, known as the "Door to the Llanos", is a vibrant Colombian city located at the foot of the Andes in the extraordinary Orinoquia region. Just a three-hour drive from the country's capital, Bogotá, this mesmerizing city is renowned for its rich culture, enticing cuisine, and breathtaking natural vistas. Villavicencio is home to a plethora of attractions, such as the Los Ocarros BioPark which shelters diverse fauna, the Los Fundadores Park known for captivating sculptures, and the famed Catedral Nuestra Señora del Carmen with its stunning architecture. With its traditional "joropo" music and dance, and the yearly exciting "coleo" events, the city offers a taste of the authentic Colombian cowboy culture. Being the centre of the Colombian "llano" (plains), it also serves as the gateway to the tropical grasslands, a stunning landscape teeming with wildlife and perfect for eco-adventures.