Solo Female Travel in Uribia

Uribia, located in the heart of the Guajira Peninsula in northern Colombia, is a fascinating destination brimming with indigenous Wayuu culture. Known as the "Indigenous Capital of Colombia," this vibrant town is particularly renowned for its annual Wayuu Culture Festival where you can witness the spectacle of traditional song, dance, and craftmanship. Visitors here are drawn to the sprawling, rustic landscapes, which range from sun-drenched semi-desert terrain to picturesque Caribbean beaches. Uribia is a unique place to fully immerse oneself in Colombia's rich native ancestry and experience an untouched part of the world.

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Is Uribia good for solo travel?



Uribia, as a whole is relatively safe for solo female travelers. Nonetheless, it is still important to be aware of your surroundings. Petty thefts and scams targeting tourists do occur. There are parts of the city that are more secure and tourist-friendly during the day but might become less so at night. It is always important to stay vigilant, avoid isolated areas, especially at night, and keep your belongings secure and close to you. Consequently, while traveling solo in Uribia could be an enjoyable experience, some caution is necessary.


Traveling around Uribia can be somewhat challenging. Despite its uniqueness and cultural interest, the town's infrastructure is fairly basic. Street signs may be non-existent, and many roads are unpaved, often causing difficulties in navigation. Additionally, public transport is not always reliable.
Things to do:

Things to do:Moderate

Uribia, is a unique destination that offers an insight into the Wayuu culture, desert landscapes, and traditional practices. Visitors can explore the bustling local markets and enjoy authentic Wayuu cuisine. Outdoor enthusiasts would appreciate it for its nature with an abundance of bird species and stunning salt flats. However, the town is quite remote with basic infrastructure, which may not appeal to tourists seeking more conventional amenities and attractions.

Food:Above average

You'll find variety in Uribia's cuisine reflecting the indigenous Wayuu roots, with dishes centralized around goat meat, fish, and seafood seasoned with unique local herbs. There's not an abundance of vegetarian or vegan options, but local fruits are abundant. Street food is quite popular, giving both local and unique taste experiences. While it may lack in the high-end dining sector, the authenticity and cultural richness of the food scene make Uribia a surprisingly delightful gastronomic destination.


Uribia offers a moderate level of budget-friendliness. Accommodations and food can be found at reasonable prices, particularly if you're willing to stay in hostels or eat at local markets. However, some cultural tours and experiences in the desert may increase your overall expenses, and the remoteness of the area can also contribute to unexpected costs.

Is Uribia worth visiting?

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