Jericoacoara, often simply referred to as "Jeri," is a beach paradise nestled in the Northern region of Brazil, in the state of Ceará. This tranquil place, once a fishing village, is now renowned as a vacation destination enveloped by stunning blue lagoons, enormous sand dunes, and mesmerizing sunsets. Known for its natural beauty, Jericoacoara's activities are many, including sandboarding down sundrenched dunes, basking in the unique charm of the Pedra Furada rock formation, and exploring the vibrant marine life in tide pools carved from rock. For wind and kitesurfing enthusiasts, the steady winds provide optimal conditions and newbies can take lessons at several schools around the area. At night, the village comes alive with traditional Forró music and capoeira performances creating a captivating ambiance. To make the experience all the more distinct, Jericoacoara is an idyllic place where the roads are paved with sand reinforcing its laid-back beach-town vibe.