Solo female travel in Ghanzi

Ghanzi, located in western Botswana in the middle of the Kalahari Desert, is a striking and unique travel destination rich in remarkable geographical features and cultural heritage. Renowned as the "Capital of the Kalahari," Ghanzi is known for its bountiful wildlife, heartening sunsets, and the captivating San Bushmen cultural experiences. For the adventure enthusiasts, the Ghanzi Trail Blazers offer unforgettable bushman walks, hunting trips, and night drives that tantalize with the possibility of spotting the enigmatic leopards and cheetahs. The annual Ghanzi agricultural show is another crowd-puller that showcases cattle farming, a prominent Ghanzi occupation, along with displays of traditional crafts and culture. Its distinctive charm with an unspoiled, raw appeal makes Ghanzi a must-visit gem in the heart of the Kalahari.

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Is Ghanzi good for solo travel?


Safety:Very safe

Ghanzi is relatively safe for solo female travelers. The local population is usually friendly and welcoming, and serious crimes are quite rare. However, as with any travel destination, it is important to maintain general safety precautions such as avoiding walks alone at night in deserted areas and guarding personal belongings.


Ghanzi is fairly navigable, but some challenges may arise due to its rural location. As a solo traveler, you may encounter relatively fewer amenities than in larger cities, especially when it comes to public transport. But most locals are helpful and it's relatively safe. Renting a car or hiring a local guide can enhance your mobility. However, proficiency in local language can play a key role in enhancing your transit experience.
Things to do:

Things to do:Moderate

Ghanzi offers a unique range of activities for a solo female traveler. If you are interested in wildlife and nature, you have the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, where you can explore rich biodiversity during a safari ride. Local bushman art, the history of the San people and breathtaking sunsets are other key features. While the city itself doesn’t offer a vast amount of activities, it can provide a tranquil and culturally vibrant experience. However, facilities like restaurants or shopping malls are quite limited in this area, which could somewhat reduce the overall travel experience.


Ghanzi offers a relatively diverse food scene considering its location. The cuisine incorporates many traditional African dishes primarily featuring meats, grains, and vegetables. Some locations also offer international dishes for those missing a taste of home. However, being a small city, the variety and sophistication of foods and restaurants might not live up to the standards of larger, more cosmopolitan cities. There can also be a lack of specific dietary options such as vegan or gluten-free meals.


Ghanzi offers a moderately budget-friendly experience for travelers. Accommodations and dining options are relatively affordable with a range of price points available. However, some activities or attractions, especially those related to wildlife and conservations, can be pricier. It comes down to how one chooses to manage their budget during their stay.

Is Ghanzi worth visiting?

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