Female Couch Surfing in Sion




Can host for:

2 days

About me

Hello, I'm Theresa and I live in Sion


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About Me

Hi! I'm from Guatemala but I'm currently living in Switzerland. I'm a veterinarian, mostly see small domestic animals and exotic pets, but sometimes also cows and sheep/goats. I love horses but they are very delicate. I would love to go out, chat, have fun, maybe eat something or just see some places. I'm fun, original, carefree, relaxed, open minded, honest, objective, straight, agnostic, apolitical and demisexual. I dislike makeup, skirts, traffic, and to watch sports. I also have tattoos that don't show with my clothes on and I eat pretty much anything except insects and organs hahaha. I love Japanese and Taiwanese food, Italian and Latin food as well. Ramen, sushi, grilled meat, and gnocchi would be my favorite foods. I love to travel on my own so I can do the things I really want, especially being able to stay with locals to know new people and experience the culture better than going to a hotel, and also stay in a budget.


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About Me

Hello, I'm Theresa and I live in Sion


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Couch surfing in Switzerland