Solo Female Travel in Thies

Thies, the third largest city in Senegal, sits only 70 kilometers east of Dakar and is a significant transportation crossroads known for its tapestry and craft industries. Thies is famed for its vibrant art and cultural scene, providing tourists with an introduction to Senegalese lifestyle and customs. Numerous markets, including Marche Central and Marche des HLM, provide venues for exploring local arts, crafts, textiles, and traditional foods. The National Tapestry Factory is one of the city's highlights, where visitors can observe weavers at work and admire their intricate creations. The Railway Museum, tracing the history of railways in Senegal, is another noteworthy stop. With its bustling atmosphere and friendly inhabitants, Thies encapsulates the charm of West African cities.

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Thies is generally safe for solo female travelers. The locals are friendly, but as with any travel destination, it is important to remain cautious and aware of your surroundings. Petty crime is present but can be avoided through vigilance and taking standard safety measures. Respect local customs and dress modestly. It's recommended to avoid isolated areas after dark.


Thies is moderately easy to navigate. This is largely due to the presence of local markets, resources, and people who are generally friendly and willing to lend a hand. Language might pose a bit of a barrier, as French is widely spoken and not everyone speaks English, but learning key phrases can help. The informal sector of transportation like mototaxis and car rapides are common, but they might be a bit chaotic for a newcomer. The city is also safe to walk around during the day but it's advisable to be cautious after dark.

Things to do:Moderate

Thies offers a balanced experience. With its vibrant local markets, traditional wrestling (laamb) experiences, and the National Tapestry Factory, there's definitely some cultural depth to explore. It also serves as a gateway to more enticing destinations such as the Pink Lake and Niokolo-Koba National Park. However, the town itself might lack the buzz and diverse attractions that you find in larger cities.

Food:Above average

The food scene in Thies is quite vibrant with an impressive mix of traditional Senegalese and international cuisines. Local dishes are rich in flavors using ingredients like locally sourced fish, rice, millets and a range of spices. Street food, especially grilled seafood and Senegal’s national dish, Thieboudienne, are must-tries. A highlight of the food scene here is the fresh fruit, like mangoes and baobab fruit that can be sampled in local markets. Although international choices are relatively limited, the overall food scene is enjoyable.


Thies generally provides an affordable travel experience. Local food, public transportation, and accommodations are relatively inexpensive. However, prices can rise slightly for luxury accommodations or dining at upscale restaurants. It is also recommended to haggle while shopping at local markets to get the best deals. Overall, Thies remains a budget-friendly destination for most solo female travelers.

Is Thies worth visiting?

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