Solo female travel in Matamata

Located in the idyllic farmland of New Zealand's North Island, Matamata is a beautiful town filled with pastoral charm. It is world-renowned as the setting for the Shire in Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” trilogies. This picturesque town boasts the enchanting Hobbiton Movie Set, attracting fans of J.R.R Tolkien’s middle-earth from all over the globe. Amidst the lush green rolling hills, visitors can explore Hobbit holes, discover iconic movie sites, and even enjoy a drink at the Green Dragon Inn. Matamata, with its enchanting landscapes and warm hospitality, offers a fascinating journey into the cinematic magic of hobbits and wizards, and a serene retreat amidst nature's beauty.

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Is Matamata good for solo travel?


Safety:Very safe

Matamata is a serene and friendly town widely known for its Hobbiton Movie set. The crime rate is very low and locals are often helpful and hospitable to travellers. Both public and private transportation are reliable and it's a generally safe environment to walk around both during the day and at night. However, it's important to always maintain normal safety precautions, regardless of location.


Matamata, often known for its hobbit-like charm, is relatively straightforward to navigate. Most attractions including the famous Hobbiton movie set, eateries, and parks are within walking distance, though having a bike or car can quicken the travel time across town. However, the lack of public transport could be inconvenient for those who don't drive or cycle.
Things to do:

Things to do:Interesting

Matamata offers many attractions beyond its popular 'Hobbiton Movie Set'. Nature parks such as the Wairere Falls provide stunning views and a robust experience of New Zealand's natural beauty, while the Firth Tower Museum gives insight to the local history. There are also numerous dining and shopping options in the town, catering to a variety of tastes and budgets. However, the activities available may be less dynamic than those in a large city.

Food:Above average

In Matamata, you can expect to find a nice variety of food options that cater to diverse palates. Ingredients are typically fresh, often locally sourced. The cuisine is fairly diverse, spanning from traditional Kiwi specialties to a broad range of International cuisines. While it may not be a global gastronomy hotspot, the overall quality and diversity of food in this town is very satisfactory.


Matamata is moderately budget-friendly. While the cost of living is relatively high, there are various affordable accommodation options for solo travelers. Also, key attractions like the Hobbiton Movie Set tour can be on the higher end of your budget. However, there are plenty of free or low-cost activities such as hiking, exploring the town, or visiting the beaches that offset these costs. You can also save by using public transport and eating at local cafes or self-catering.

Is Matamata worth visiting?

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