Solo Female Travel in Masterton

Masterton, nestled on the North Island of New Zealand, is the largest town in the Wairarapa region. It's approximately an hour and a half drive northeast from Wellington, the nation's capital. Known for its enchanting blend of natural beauty and vibrant culture, Masterton offers a wealth of attractions for visitors. It's renowned for the golden Shear, reputed to be the world's premier shearing and wool handling championships. With expansive parks like Queen Elizabeth Park and Henley Lake, the town is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Masterton also houses the Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History, offering a glimpse of the Maori heritage and colonial history. Stop by the local wineries, taste the famous pinot noir, and enjoy the town's delightful fusion of culture, history, and nature.

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Is Masterton good for solo travel?


Safety:Very safe

Masterton (New Zealand) is generally safe for solo female travelers. Like most places in New Zealand, the crime rate is low and locals are usually friendly and willing to help. However, as with any other location, it is always important to maintain vigiliance, particularly at night or in less populated areas.


Masterton offers both impressive public transport and simple layouts which make navigation relatively easy. It also has a pedestrian-friendly town center making local exploration pleasant and safe. However, remote areas might require some private transportation.
Things to do:

Things to do:Moderate

Masterton, situated in the heart of New Zealand's Wairarapa region, offers a balanced mix of nature and culture. Characterized by beautiful parks such as Queen Elizabeth Park and Henley Lake, it's great for tranquil walks and bird watching. Its history can be explored at Aratoi - Wairarapa Museum of Art and History. For the adventurous, nearby Tararua Forest Park provides hiking opportunities. However, the city is relatively small, and while charming, may not offer the breadth of activities available in larger cities.


You'll find a decent variety of cuisine in Masterton, from traditional Kiwi delicacies to international cuisines such as Thai, Indian, and Italian. However, the assortment may not seem extensive compared to larger cities. Fresh, locally-sourced ingredients are a highlight, and there's an array of suitable options for vegetarian and vegan travellers too. But if food diversity is an essential part of your travel experience, you might find Masterton slightly limited.


Masterton, is moderately budget-friendly. Accommodation, food, and local transportation can be affordable if you choose cost-efficient options. However, activities like visiting local attractions, wine tours or adventure sports could add to your expenses. Remember, it generally tends to be less expensive than larger cities like Auckland or Wellington, but more costly than some rural areas.

Is Masterton worth visiting?

Meet locals in Masterton

Meet local women in Masterton who are open to meet up for a coffee or a drink, show you around, give local advice or practice a language with.


About Me

Hi, I’m Rachel. I’m a seamstress and also sew for fun. I make quilts and clothes. I would love to visit Germany to further my knowledge of the language. I’ve been inspired by a friend’s story of traveling Europe. I’m looking for a host, a travel buddy, and also to host someone in New Zealand on language exchange.


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Stay with locals in Masterton

Stay with local women in Masterton who offer free accommodation as part of cultural exchange. Couch surfing is a great way to meet new people, learn more about new cultures and experience destinations like a local.



Can host for:

7 days

About me

Hi, I’m Rachel. I’m a seamstress and also sew for fun. I make quilts and clothes. I would love to visit Germany to further my knowledge of the language. I’ve been inspired by a friend’s story of traveling Europe. I’m looking for a host, a travel buddy, and also to host someone in New Zealand on language exchange.


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