Solo female travel in Cambridge

Located in the heart of the North Island of New Zealand, the idyllic and picturesque town of Cambridge is renowned for its rich historical heritage, unique English-style charm and world-class horse breeding. Often referred to as the 'Town of Trees and Champions', Cambridge is globally recognised for its contributions to thoroughbred horse racing. The town boasts a multitude of attractions including beautiful parks, iconic Victorian-style architecture, an extensive range of antique shops, and an array of sporting facilities. With its relaxed rural lifestyle and friendly local community, Cambridge offers a truly extraordinary tourism experience enveloped by stunning views of lush, rolling landscapes.

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Is Cambridge good for solo travel?


Safety:Very safe

Cambridge is considered overall safe for solo female travelers. It's a small town with a lively community, and incidences of crime are relatively low. As with anywhere, it pays to maintain general awareness of your surroundings, particularly at night. Most people find the residents to be friendly and helpful, especially towards tourists. However, it does not warrant a full 5 scorer due to its quiet nature during nightfall where fewer people might be around in certain areas.


Navigating Cambridge is quite straightforward. The town layout is simple and compact, making it easy to explore on foot. Biking is also a popular option for getting around given the presence of numerous cycle trails. Car rentals and taxis are available too if you need to venture further out but generally, everything you need is within walking distance.
Things to do:

Things to do:Interesting

Cambridge is a quaint town with a unique blend of history, culture, and beautiful landscapes. Offering activities such as exploring iconic Victorian architecture, walking tours around the scenic Lake Te Koutu, visiting local museums, and enjoying the serene nature reserves, it caters to a variety of interests. The local boutique shops and cafes provide an opportunity to relax and soak in the local culture. Despite its overall serene and calm ambiance, it may lack the vibrant nightlife some travelers seek.

Food:Above average

Cambridge offers a variety of delectable food options that cater to a broad range of taste buds. The town is full of quaint cafes that serve delicious breakfasts, bakeries with exquisite pastries, and notable gastro-pubs for hearty meals. The quality of the food is generally high, and local produce is a common feature. You'll also encounter quite a bit of international cuisine, from Thai to Italian, adding to the diversity of the food scene. However, options may be a bit limited late at night, as many places close early.


Cambridge has a moderate cost of living. Accommodation options range from budget hostels to luxury hotels, and dining options vary from inexpensive cafes to fine dining. Public transportation and entertainment are fairly priced. While not the cheapest, with careful planning and budgeting one can enjoy a cost-effective stay.

Is Cambridge worth visiting?

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