Solo Female Travel in Sao Filipe

Sao Filipe is a charming town situated on the west coast of the island of Fogo, one of the ten volcanic islands of the Cape Verde archipelago in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. This quaint location is known for its enchanting volcanic landscapes dominated by the impressive Pico de Fogo, the tallest peak in Cape Verde. The volcano last erupted in 2014, enriching the soil and resulting in fertile vineyards that produce the island's esteemed selection of wines. The town is a panorama of pastel-colored colonial-style houses with breathtaking views of the cobalt sea. Additionally, Sao Filipe is famous for its annual Festival of Bandeira, a lively cultural event attracting tourists and locals alike with its vibrant procession, music, and dance.

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Is Sao Filipe good for solo travel?



Sao Filipe is relatively safe. Although petty crimes such as pickpocketing or purse snatching are not unheard of, it is generally safe to walk around, even at night. However, normal precautions should still be taken, like avoiding empty alleys or poorly lit streets and not flaunting expensive items. Local people are friendly and often willing to help visitors.


While Sao Filipe isn't too expansive to traverse, it proves a bit challenging due to the hilly landscape and a lack of clearly marked streets. English isn't widely spoken, which could lead to some communication barriers when asking for directions. However, locals are always willing to help out, so you'll never truly feel lost. Walking around town is an option during daylight hours, but remember to wear comfortable shoes due to uneven and hilly terrain. Be prepared for longer travel times when visiting sites outside of the city limits.
Things to do:

Things to do:Moderate

Sao Filipe, offers a tranquil experience with its black sand beaches, colonial architecture, and inviting locals. The island is characterized by an intriguing volcanic landscape and offers several hiking trails where you might find solace in nature. The local markets and unique range of cuisine encapsulate the rich cultural heritage of the place. However, compared to some other destinations, it may lack variety in activities beyond nature exploration, hiking, and enjoying local culture and cuisine.

Food:Above average

Sao Filipe offers a good variety of food options that reflect the island's African, Portuguese and Mediterranean influences. Expect to see a lot of seafood such as tuna and wahoo, as well as chicken and goat. Traditional dishes such as Cachupa (a slow-cooked stew) and Grogue (local rum) are must-tries. Fresh tropical fruits like mango and passion fruit are abundant. Vegetarian options may be a bit limited. Food is generally flavorful and tasty, with many meals featuring corn, beans, and rice. As with any destination, the quality will fluctuate from place to place.


Sao Filipe provides an affordable travel experience with its inexpensive local transportation and food options. However, some activities like guided tours and accommodations may slightly increase your travel expenses.

Is Sao Filipe worth visiting?

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