Belmopan, the quaint capital city of Belize, is strategically nestled at the heart of the country. Surrounded by lush tropical forest, it is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts who can explore nearby attractions like the Guanacaste National Park and Blue Hole National Park. The city is well-planned with a mix of governmental and residential areas. Visitors can delight in exploring the local market, vibrant with fresh produce and local handicraft, as well as the city's center, Ring Road, known for its vibrant shops and eateries. For history buffs, the mesmerizing Mayan ruins at Xunantunich, just a short drive away, offers a fantastic peek into the rich past of the region. Despite its small size, Belmopan provides a tranquil and distinct experience to travelers, presenting the relaxed Caribbean lifestyle coupled with the thrill of the adventurous eco-tourism.