Sheki, a picturesque city located in northwestern Azerbaijan on the southern part of the Greater Caucasus mountain range, is renowned for its rich history, studded with breathtaking architectural marvels. Rooted in antiquity with origins dating back to the late Bronze Age, Sheki is known for its illustrious Silk Road past and as a hub for crafts and trade. The city’s claim to fame is the exquisite Khan's Palace, an epitome of Sheki Khans' architectural endowment, adorned with intricate stained glass work. Another charismatic feature of Sheki is its centuries-old Caravanserai that witnessed many a weary Silk Road traveler. Sheki also boasts a burgeoning food culture, tantalizing gastronomes with a myriad of local delights such as the sweet Sheki halva and the savoury Piti soup, making it an irresistible captivating tourist destination in Azerbaijan.