Is Hanoi Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Hanoi is generally safe for solo female travelers. The residents are often friendly and willing to help, and crime rates are relatively low. Still, it's important to stay vigilant, especially at night, and keep an eye on your belongings at all times as petty theft can occur. Public transportation is reliable but can get crowded, which may lead to unwanted attention. Always be clear and firm with taxi drivers to avoid overcharging issues. Overall, most travelers have a positive and safe experience in Hanoi.

Safety rating

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How safe is Hanoi?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Safe

As a solo female traveler, Hanoi offers a generally safe environment during nighttime. People are often seen out late and there's a vibrant night market and street food scene. However, like any big city, one should maintain awareness of their surroundings and avoid dark or deserted areas. Some occasional instances of petty crimes like bag snatching may happen, so keep your belongings secure when walking around. Walking alone at night in populated, well-lit areas tends to be okay, but it's always smart to use caution and common sense.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Safe

Public transportation in Hanoi, is generally safe. There is a noticeable police presence in major areas, which deters most major crimes. However, one should still be cautious of their belongings due to occasional reports of pick-pocketing. Buses are the most common form of public transportation and are typically crowded. As an alternative, Taxis and ride-hailing apps like Grab are widely available, reliable and safe. While traveling after dark, it's safer to use a taxi or Grab rather than the local buses. Always follow basic safety precautions such as not showing off expensive items, being aware of your surroundings, and keeping firm hold on your personal belongings.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Low

Street harassment in Hanoi, is relatively low compared to many other cities around the world. The general Vietnamese culture is one of respect. Any perceived rudeness is usually due to cultural differences or misunderstandings. But of course, occasional catcalling or relentless vendors can sometimes be an issue. Still, it's not common to encounter overly aggressive or endangering behavior. Always take personal safety measures that you would take while traveling to any other city in the world.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Low

Hanoi is relatively safe when it comes to petty crimes. Pickpocketing and purse snatching incidents are not unheard of, particularly in crowded markets and tourist areas. However, if you practice vigilance and common-sense precautions such as not displaying flashy jewelry or electronics in public, you can significantly reduce the chances of becoming a target.
Tap water:

Tap water:Unsafe

The tap water in Hanoi, is not recommended to drink even for locals. While it undergoes treatment, it can fall short of international health standards by the time it reaches your tap due to old and inconsistent quality of water pipes. It's advisable to stick to bottled or purified water instead. Complimentary drinking water is usually provided by almost all accommodations in the city.

Is Hanoi safe to travel?

4.2 /5

Based on 7 experiences

Solo travel experience

The best city ever! I just love how it was both kinda choatic and very authentic. Just walking around the city was an adventure, crossing the streets from all the motorbikes, and walking by the lake, and riding grab motorbikes. I had the best absolute time there. I felt extremely safe as well.

Posted: June 28, 2024Experienced: December, 2023
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Solo travel experience

Hanoi was the first ever country I visited and I traveled solo. With this considered, I took all efforts in researching not only its accessibility (as a Philippine resident) but also its overall safety as a first time international traveler. I was told people there weren't as friendly than those in southern Vietnam but most locals I met are extremely nice if not a bit reserved. I felt safe even walking alone in their street market at night, but I only stuck to the walking street and avoided dark & quiet alleys. There are, however, a lot of scams especially around Hoan Kiem Lake so be extra careful and vigilant. I booked my tours via Klook and paid them in advance so I won't have to carry as much cash.

Posted: March 6, 2024
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Is Hanoi safe for women?

Safety rating

3.2 /5

Based on 3 experiences

Crime rates rating

1.4 /5

Based on 3 experiences

Hanoi is not having lots of robbery on the street or in public but still when being alone, it’s something to consider and be cautious. In some remote area, you need to pay more attention. Don’t use phone too much while being out on the street.

Posted: June 23, 2024
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It’s better to have at least 1 male companion in your group rather than travel solo to this country. It’s not like you can’t, but if you decide to travel solo, better stick to big cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh. If you decide to travel somewhere else, better research carefully and look for a local guide if needed.

Posted: June 10, 2024
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Is Hanoi safe right now?

Before your visit to Hanoi, it's essential to check travel advisories for Vietnam, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The United States government advises to exercise normal precautions in Vietnam. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 24, 2023

Canada's Travel AdvisoryExercise a high degree of caution

The Canadian government advises exercising a high degree of caution in Vietnam due to the high rate of petty crime. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 15, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The Australian government advises exercising normal safety precautions in Vietnam. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 16, 2024

Is Hanoi worth visiting?

Overall rating

4.2 /5

based on 7 experiences


Maxine (37)


Solo travel experience

I totally recommend visiting Hanoi. The old town was very nice to walk around in and the history at the old jail was very interesting. I only had one comment by someone about my appearance and then someone crack onto me after a tour. You could avoid the tour and just catch the local buses. Super cheap! From Hanoi you can visit SAPA or Cat Ba Island with a local bus or ferry. There is also the waterpuppet show that is a must visit in the area. I would go back to Hanoi.

Posted: July 10, 2024Experienced: August, 2023
Things to do: 5/5Food: 5/5Budget-friendly: 3/5Safety: 5/5
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Alika (25)


Solo travel experience

I'm a budget traveler, so hanoi and vietnam in general feel really cheap after Thailand. I've stayed in hanoi for 1 week, hostel cost me around 900k vnd for the whole period. Food prices are different from place to place but in general you can find something to eat starting from 45k vnd (for example pho and other types of soup usually cost around this price). For side dishe + rice or stir fried noodles with vegetables you'll pay 60-80k, also, you can find cafes serving buffet the cost of it starting at 60k vnd. Also, I'm vegan, so can speak only for vegan food. Hanoi felt quite save. There wasn't many people staring at you, and non who would approach and disturb me, except of few hostes who asked to come to their cafes. Even at the night time it wasn't a problem to walk home enjoying the weather 🙌🏻 For the transportation hanoi has quite good public transportation system and google maps will easily accommodate you with it showing needed route and bus numbers, ticket costs 7-8k. Also, you can use grab app to get a car or a bike as a taxi, bikes are quite cheaper than cars, but still x3 and more times more expensive than buses. Bike taxi for a 20-25min route cost me around 20-30k. And for sure try to explore hanoi by walk! Hanoi is super cozy city and lovely architecture. Every corner is so picturesque and vibrant, you don't wanna miss it, trust me!

Posted: June 23, 2024Experienced: April, 2024
Things to do: 4/5Food: 4/5Budget-friendly: 4/5Safety: 5/5
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I'm a free spirit and adventurous, curious, and open-minded. Always ready to explore things! I update a list of 100 things I have to do before I die and I'm super determined to check the boxes in that list. What brings me happiness is the ability to be present and stay conscious in anything I do. I am most present when I solo travel or do things outside my daily routine. My goal in life is to be the happiest that I can with the least that I have. This doesn't mean I don't have ambition for a high-quality life, It means that I appreciate what I have now and still look forward to opportunities life brings me


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Animal + human lover


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Stay with locals in Hanoi

Stay with local women in Hanoi who offer free accommodation as part of cultural exchange. Couch surfing is a great way to meet new people, learn more about new cultures and experience destinations like a local.



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3 days

About me

I'm a free spirit and adventurous, curious, and open-minded. Always ready to explore things! I update a list of 100 things I have to do before I die and I'm super determined to check the boxes in that list. What brings me happiness is the ability to be present and stay conscious in anything I do. I am most present when I solo travel or do things outside my daily routine. My goal in life is to be the happiest that I can with the least that I have. This doesn't mean I don't have ambition for a high-quality life, It means that I appreciate what I have now and still look forward to opportunities life brings me


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Can host for:

1 day

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I’m Dung. I’m a nurse. I love traveling and exchange language


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About Me

My name is khaoula, I am from Morocco, I teach English for a living, and I love traveling, cooking, running and animals


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Safety in Vietnam