Is Cavan Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Cavan is generally a safe destination for solo female travelers. The crime rate is relatively low, and locals are known for their hospitality. Still, it's always advisable to exercise personal safety precautions, such as not walking alone late at night in unfamiliar areas, keeping an eye on your belongings, and informing someone of your travel plans.

Safety rating

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How safe is Cavan?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Safe

Cavan is generally considered a safe location for solo female travelers. The town has a low crime rate and is often bustling with locals and tourists alike. However, like any other place, it's advisable to stick to well-lit and populated areas, especially during late hours. Walking alone at night is fairly safe, but it's always a good idea to stay aware of your surroundings.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Safe

Public transportation in Cavan is generally safe. There is a regular bus service run by Bus Éireann and a few private companies, and the local community is largely respectful and friendly. As with anywhere, it is still recommended to stay alert and mindful of your belongings, particularly during peak times. However, in general, it offers a reliable and safe way to travel around the area.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Low

Cavan is known to be a peaceful and safe town with low levels of street harassment. Generally, the locals are friendly and respectful, though, as with any place, there can be isolated incidents. It's always important to stay aware of your surroundings, especially at night or in more secluded areas.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Low

Cavan is generally a safe location for solo female travelers. Incidents of petty crimes such as pickpocketing or theft are relatively low. However, it's always wise to maintain vigilance, particularly in crowded tourist spots or nightlife areas. Ensure your belongings are secure and avoid displaying signs of wealth unnecessarily.
Tap water:

Tap water:Very safe

The tap water in Cavan, is generally safe to drink. It is regulated and tested frequently to ensure quality and safety. You should experience no health concerns from consuming this tap water. However, do check the local news for any recent water advisories.

Is Cavan safe to travel?

Is Cavan safe right now?

Before your visit to Cavan, it's essential to check travel advisories for Ireland, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The United States government advises exercising normal precautions in Ireland. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 26, 2023

Canada's Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

**The Canadian Government advises:** **Take normal security precautions in Ireland.** Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: July 15, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryTake normal security precautions

The Australian government advises exercising normal safety precautions in Ireland. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: December 4, 2023

Meet locals in Cavan

Meet local women in Cavan who are open to meet up for a coffee or a drink, show you around, give local advice or practice a language with.


About Me

Single lady, passionate for nature and animals. Very friendly, love to travel to discover new culture, food and see places. Easy going, organised, tidy


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Stay with locals in Cavan

Stay with local women in Cavan who offer free accommodation as part of cultural exchange. Couch surfing is a great way to meet new people, learn more about new cultures and experience destinations like a local.



Can host for:

2 days

About me

Single lady, passionate for nature and animals. Very friendly, love to travel to discover new culture, food and see places. Easy going, organised, tidy


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Safety in Ireland