Is Yazd safe for solo female travelers?

Yazd generally offers a safe environment for female travelers, thanks to its friendly locals, well-preserved structure, and safe public spaces. Customs and culture greatly respect women. However, it's important to obey local laws and dress codes due to it being a conservative society. Though English is not widely spoken, people are helpful. It's still best to exercise caution during night-time or in less crowded places.

Safety rating

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How safe is Yazd?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Safe

Yazd, like most of Iran, is considered relatively safe. Though less crowded and bustling at night, the local culture is respectful and protective towards women. Knowing a few words of Farsi gives an added advantage. Always stay in well-lit, populated areas and avoid deserted lanes. As in any other city, maintaining a cautious attitude is recommended.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Safe

Yazd, like most of Iran, utilizes a public transportation system that includes buses and taxis. The bus system is fairly well maintained and schedules are predictable. Taxis, while sometimes driving aggressively, are generally safe and drivers are often courteous and helpful. Moderate precautions should be taken as with any public transport system worldwide. Always be aware of your surroundings and keep personal belongings secure. Additionally, women are segregated and required to sit in back seats in buses and taxis, which can be safer for solo female travelers. The main concern can be the language barrier, so it's advisable to have a translation app handy.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:Low

As a solo female traveler in Yazd, you can expect to encounter minimal street harassment. The locals generally respect tourists and keep to themselves. Any interaction is often limited to curiosity rather than anything menacing. However, as with all travel, it's important to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, especially when traveling alone.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:Low

Yazd is generally a safe city, especially for tourists. Petty crimes such as pickpocketing or purse snatching are relatively low compared to many other cities globally. However, just like anywhere, it's advisable to be cautious with your belongings, especially in crowded places like local bazaars, to avoid falling victim to such crimes. Travelers are widely respected and looked out for by locals, which contributes to maintaining the safety of the city for tourists.
Tap water:

Tap water:Moderate

While no severe health risks have been reported with regard to drinking tap water in Yazd, it's always a good practice to be precautious traveling anywhere. The taste and mineral content of the water may differ greatly from what you're used to at home. Try to choose bottled water for drinking purposes, chiefly to avoid any gastro issues because your body might not be used to the local water. However, for simple tasks like brushing your teeth, the tap water should be safe.

Is Yazd safe to travel?

Is Yazd safe right now?

Before your visit to Yazd, it's essential to check travel advisories for Iran, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryDo not travel

The United States Government advises against traveling to Iran due to risks associated with terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and the arbitrary arrest of U.S. citizens. It suggests that, if travel is necessary, one should exercise increased caution due to potential wrongful detentions. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: January 11, 2024

Canada's Travel AdvisoryDo not travel

The Canadian Government advises avoiding all travel to Iran due to the volatile security situation, regional threat of terrorism, and the possibility of arbitrary detention. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: May 6, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryDo not travel

The Australian government advises against traveling to Iran due to the high risk of arbitrary detention or arrest. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: April 24, 2024

Safety in Iran