Solo Female Travel in Nizwa

Nizwa, the Pearl of Islam, is an enchanting ancient city nestled at the base of the Hajar Mountains in the heart of Oman. Known as one of Oman's oldest cities, Nizwa is the birthplace of deep Islamic traditions and renowned for its stunning 17th century, honey-toned Nizwa Fort - a magnificent castle adorned with traditional Omani ceiling paintings and intricate woodwork. The city is also famous for its bustling souk, where one can explore and purchase a wide variety of Omani silver jewelry, antiques, spices and native crafts. The city's palm oasis, dotted with ancient water channels (aflaj), offers a peaceful retreat, while the nearby Jebel Akhdar mountain provides thrilling adventure possibilities. Your trip to Nizwa is not complete without a taste of its nationally celebrated sweet delicacy, Halwa.

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Is Nizwa good for solo travel?


Safety:Very safe

Nizwa boasts of very low crime rates and the residents are generally hospitable and respectful towards visitors. The locals are accustomed to seeing women traveling alone. However, it's always a good idea to respect local customs and dress modestly, as Oman is a predominantly Islamic country.


Exploring Nizwa can be comfortably navigated. Being relatively small, most attractions are within a short radius to each other. However, it is optimal to rent a car or hire a taxi as public transportation isn't very prevalent. Also, English is commonly spoken, making it easier to ask for directions. Remember that some roads in and around Nizwa might be challenging due to their hilly nature, but they are usually well-maintained.
Things to do:

Things to do:Interesting

Nizwa is rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. It's home to Nizwa Fort, a significant historical site offering stunning views of the city. There are numerous souks where you can explore local crafts and food. The city is surrounded by Hajar Mountains, ideal for trekking and outdoor activities. It's also in close proximity to Bahla Fort and Jabrin Castle, two UNESCO World Heritage Sites. However, it may not be bustling in terms of modern activities like nightlife, hence it might not appeal to those seeking a mix of traditional and modern experiences.

Food:Above average

The culinary scene in Nizwa is quite impressive. You will find a range of traditional Omani food which prominently includes rice dishes, lamb or chicken, garnished with spices, nuts, and fruits. Rice and meat dishes are staple food items that can be found at almost all places. You are guaranteed to experience the authentic local flavors. However, if you are looking for diverse global cuisine or a more vegetarian-friendly selection, the options might be slightly limited.


Nizwa, offers a range of budget-friendly options for travel and accommodation suitable for solo female travelers. Local food is rather inexpensive, and there are options to find lower-priced goods at the local market. Public transportation and walking are also reasonable options to reduce costs. However, entries to some tourist attractions may slightly lift the total budget.

Is Nizwa worth visiting?

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