Solo female travel in Gostivar

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Is Gostivar worth visiting?

Meet locals in Gostivar

Meet local women in Gostivar who are open to meet up for a coffee or a drink, show you around, give local advice or practice a language with.


About Me

My name is Марија (Mariya), I am 22years old. This year I am getting my bachelor’s degree as a student of a double major program in Political Science and Psychology, but I am pursuing a career as an educator. I am interested in everything! Anything you’d like to talk to me about, I’d like to hear it. I try to be friendly, outgoing and enjoy life with a smile, but sometimes I get overwhelmed and then I love watching stand-up comedy or going to stand-up poetry performances to lift up my mood a bit. I’m a huge book lover, and proud small home library owner. Writing is a huge hobby of mine, I write constantly and I’m hoping to publish some of my works soon. My days are always so full and busy that I got very used to the lifestyle, so I sometimes don’t know how to slow down. Hosting somebody encourages me to stay grounded and open-minded as I meet people from across the Globe, but it also means that I get to relax, do something spontaneous and pay respect to somebody that gets to live in my home for a bit.


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Stay with locals in Gostivar

Stay with local women in Gostivar who offer free accommodation as part of cultural exchange. Couch surfing is a great way to meet new people, learn more about new cultures and experience destinations like a local.



Can host for:

7 days

About me

My name is Марија (Mariya), I am 22years old. This year I am getting my bachelor’s degree as a student of a double major program in Political Science and Psychology, but I am pursuing a career as an educator. I am interested in everything! Anything you’d like to talk to me about, I’d like to hear it. I try to be friendly, outgoing and enjoy life with a smile, but sometimes I get overwhelmed and then I love watching stand-up comedy or going to stand-up poetry performances to lift up my mood a bit. I’m a huge book lover, and proud small home library owner. Writing is a huge hobby of mine, I write constantly and I’m hoping to publish some of my works soon. My days are always so full and busy that I got very used to the lifestyle, so I sometimes don’t know how to slow down. Hosting somebody encourages me to stay grounded and open-minded as I meet people from across the Globe, but it also means that I get to relax, do something spontaneous and pay respect to somebody that gets to live in my home for a bit.


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